Grades Oct 2 - 6

Hi Garden Families,

We had a fun week last week!  The children enjoyed creek play, gardening (some children built a bridge!), math with Ms. Roxanne and cooking with Ms. Nina (the students learned to use a mandolin!).  In Spanish the children have been playing team guessing games that involve lots of cheering and laughter.  

We have also begun our Human and Animal block and our Jataka Tales blocks.   The upper grades are learning how humans and animals are similar and not so similar.  We also studied beavers with Mr. Lee and they students built their own dam as well as made their own beaver sticks (carrots).  The lower grades have made their own readers as well as enjoyed the stories with Ms. Kathee.

Please be prepared for our rainy weather this week!


Ms. Melissa and Ms. Kathee