The Garden School is Hiring!

The Garden School educates children in a loving, enriching environment We offer an in-depth curriculum that awakens the imagination, opens the heart, and engages the hands by developing each child's ability to think clearly, feel deeply and act purposefully. An active partnership of students, teachers, families, and others in the surrounding community who create an atmosphere of safety, belonging, and mutual support, we are committed to: 

  • honoring each child's spirit while emphasizing responsibility and cooperation;  
  • fostering academic excellence through an integrated, Waldorf-inspired curriculum that reveals the interrelatedness of all knowledge, and which teaches children how to learn rather than merely how to memorize information; 
  • an experiential approach that allows each subject to be explored through many modalities and hands-on activities including discussion, field investigations, drama, drawing, sculpture, and music in addition to written material;  
  • periodically re-evaluating our curriculum and assessment strategies, incorporating new approaches where necessary while preserving the strength and stability of the existing programs; 
  • making a progressive, Waldorf-inspired education available to children of all backgrounds and families of all means;  
  • creating employment opportunities for local residents that offer meaningful work at a living wage; 
  • cultivating a spirit of ownership and community, where children see their parents involved regularly in the daily life of the school;
  • and respect for others, reverence for nature, service to the wider community and a sense of unity with all life.

The Garden School has a deep commitment to creating an inclusive community which values diversity and multi-culturalism, and we seek candidates who have this same commitment. We prefer applicants with a background in Waldorf education, but we acknowledge that there are times when the right candidate may be new to Waldorf. We encourage potential applicants to seek out opportunities to learn more about our community through festivals, work days, adult education, et cetera.  

Please visit our Employment page for details on current openings!