Lower Grades: Sept 10 - 14

Hi Lower Grades Families,
It was a fun week in class! We shared the stories Jorinda and Joringel and Cinderella ( the original version from Brothers Grimm which the children really enjoyed). We worked on our letter sounds including letters that make two sounds such as g and c (hard and soft sounds) and our vowel was O. 
In math, the students made sets of cards with silly giant faces for our game “Wake Up, Giants” and they played the game in small group which helps them practice addition. 
The children made pom-poms in handwork, wet-on-wet painted with blue, made clay patties that we formed into cross shapes (working to make straight edges and sharp corners), played Simon Says in both Spanish and Mandarin, and combined several colors to try and make the color brown using our block crayons, among other activities.  Our Creek-cess became “Forest-cess” on Friday as we stay out of the creek for 24 hours after it has rained.  The students enjoyed this change and had a great time playing in and around the forest kindergarten classroom.  
This coming week is our last week of our Alphabet block. When we come back from break we will focus on numbers each morning and work on our language skills in the afternoons.  The October Parent Conference sign-up is open.  Please be sure to sign up for a slot! 

Ki Melissa