Joyful Beginnings Hummingbirds: December 2-6, 2024

Dear Joyful Beginnings Hummingbirds Families,

The wintry weather has brought novelty, richness, and a bit of hard work to our forest days. On the first day back from break, students found a beautiful sheet of ice on the playground, complete with frozen leaf imprints. They enjoyed holding it up towards the sun and watching it melt before their eyes. 

We have introduced lovely new characters like Jack Frost and King Winter into our story, circles, and activities. The children especially loved when Jack Frost visited their watercolor paintings last week with wintry dust (teachers sprinkled salt on wet watercolor paper) to make beautiful snowy patterns. And our special snack of warm cinnamon apples was loved by all. If you are looking for a low-sugar, wintry treat to share at home, try combining some sliced granny smith apples, cinnamon, honey or maple syrup, coconut oil, a bit of water, and a sprinkle of oats in a Dutch oven or Instant pot. 

The children have shown such resilience and adaptability as they navigate play and our daily rhythms with their many layers! They have found new ways to climb and move about despite the occasional lost mitten. They are truly learning to enjoy nature in all its shades, temperatures, and seasons. 

As the semester is heading towards a close, we are looking forward to a few more special activities and snacks. Please make note of the following and let us know if your child should not have tea or gingerbread!

Announcements and Reminders for Hummingbirds:

  • 12/11 and 12/12: We will share in a special tea party together after our morning circle. We will serve warm peppermint tea and homemade gingerbread cookies. I will be using this recipe.

  • 12/18 and 12/19: all our Hummingbirds are welcome to wear their coziest pajamas to school (as their base layer). We will have an especially warm, candle-lit painting time on these days. 

  • The children will be working on a few seasonal crafts that they are excited to show you all soon! We will also be sending home your child’s nature notebook with all of their drawings and paintings from this semester!

  • 12/20: Grades Assembly-11:15 a.m. (all families are welcome to attend).

  • 12/20: Last Day of Fall Semester, Half Day/Early Release (12:00-12:15 p.m. pick-up)

  • 12/22 - 01/06: Winter Break (No School)

  • 01/07:  First Day of Spring Semester

Thank you for sharing your children with us and for being part of our community.

With gratitude, 

Ki Alycia


Kindergarten Turtles: December 2-6, 2024


Sixth and Seventh Grade: November 11-15, 2024