Joyful Beginnings Bluebirds: December 2-6, 2024
Dear Joyful Beginnings Bluebirds Families,
The Bluebirds have had a lovely week. The children were all dressed warmly for the chilly weather. With little support and practice, most of the children can put on their snow pants and heavy jackets before they go outside. Dressing is a fundamental skill that young children acquire in their daily lives. It helps them develop fine motor skills and a sense of self-control. Please continue to encourage your children at home to dress themselves.
Even though it has been frigid, Father Sun continues to provide light and comfort. After a week apart, the children were delighted to return to our forest classroom. It was amazing to observe how they used their vivid imaginations. Some of them enjoyed chopping wood and working together to transform a stump into a snowboard; others utilized the balance log as a motorcycle, and yet others prepared food for their pretend baby alligators. The children also missed the donkeys and goats. So, on Wednesday and Friday, we went for a walk down to the farm and fed the animals with veggies and fruits. On Wednesday, we celebrated Red's birthday. He shared delicious treats with us, and we were grateful to spend quality time with Red and his family.
This week, we will assist each child in making beeswax candles to honor all the light festivals around the world. The children will place a waxed wick on a beeswax paper sheet and gently roll it up with their fingers. This practical life activity benefits children as it helps them improve their fine motor skills. Once everyone has made a candle, the children will take it home and enjoy its soothing glow.
Announcements and Reminders for Bluebirds:
12/16 - 12/20: Fun week
Please bring one of your child’s favorite books to school on Monday and Thursday. During circle time, we will share these cherished stories.
12/18 - 12/19: We will serve fun snacks on these two days at school. You don’t need to bring a vegetable or a fruit the last week of the fall semester.
Wednesday, 12/18: Festively shaped pretzels with apple fruit spread and raisins.
Freeze-dried strawberries and rice cracker stars (gluten-free, sweet & salty)
If you prefer that your children not have these snacks, please let us know in advance. Thank you!
12/20: Grades Assembly-11:15 a.m. (All Families are welcome to attend)
12/20: Last Day of Fall Semester, Half Day/Early Release
12/22 - 01/06: Winter Break (No School)
01/07: First Day of Spring Semester
Thank you for sharing your lovely children with us, and thank you for your support.
Ki Siyu and Ki Cecilia