Kindergarten Honeybees: December 2-6, 2024

Dear Honeybee Families,

Thank you to everyone who donated tree trimmings for our Winter Spiral. The children were delighted to have so many family members join the event—it made it truly special!

We’ve had a wonderful first week back in the Honeybees class. On Monday, we visited the farm, and on Wednesday, we ventured to the floating dock for a drawing activity. This was especially exciting, as only the Friday group had been there before. On Wednesday and Thursday, the children turned our story of The Enormous Turnip into a play. Usually, we do our stories as a play once, but as this story has so many engaging characters, we performed it twice to ensure everyone had a chance to participate. Through the use of rich language and vivid imagery, Waldorf-inspired storytelling sparks a child’s imagination and stimulates their creativity. Repeating a story and then turning it into a child-led play promotes active listening and enhances language skills, as well as being lots of fun! We ended the week on Friday with a visit to the Turtles class, and it’s been heartwarming to see the two groups playing together more often.

Looking ahead, we’ll be doing ice painting this week! Using crushed ice on watercolor paper, the children will paint over the ice, and as it melts, it will create beautiful, whimsical patterns, helping to expose students to a varied and rich sense of color. We’re also hoping to enjoy a fire and roast marshmallows, weather permitting.

Announcements and Reminders for Honeybee Kindergarten:

  • 12/20: Grades Assembly - 11:15 a.m. (All families are welcome to attend) 

  • 12/20: Last Day of Fall Semester (Half Day dismissal) 

  • 12/23 - 01/06: Winter Break (No School)

  • 01/07: Spring semester begins

  •  Please ensure your child’s spare clothes are appropriate for the season and that their rain gear is waterproof.


Ki Peden


First Grade: December 2-6, 2024


Kindergarten Chickadees: December 2-6, 2024