The Garden School of Marietta

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First Grade: December 2-6, 2024

Dear First Grade Families,

Last week, the children enjoyed the contrast between Main Lesson in our cozy indoor classroom and the equally important out-breaths in the bracing air of the outdoors! When students wrap up nice and warm, they look ready for any adventure and clearly feel confident in the face of the elements ready to greet them. Now that we are in December, the mood at school is suitably festive, with cheerful songs wafting around the hallways during Circle and Music times.

During our current block, the class is learning about how Vowel sounds bring life and feeling into words. In tandem with developing awareness of the different sounds brought by the letters A and E, the children enjoyed forming the letters in crayon before adding celestial backgrounds in watercolor paint. They have even begun to make connections between the vowel sounds in English with those in Spanish! In addition, Ki Gaby is teaching the class a song incorporating vowel sounds, which is highly appropriate since we started the block with a story referring to the vowels as the singing sounds.

Next week, we will cover letters I and O, followed by U, in the final week of our block before we depart school for Winter Break.

Announcements and Reminders for First Grade:

  • 12/11: Winter Spiral - First grade walks at 9:15 a.m. Students will carry a lit candle. Please ensure that long hair is tied back.

  • 12/19: Pajama Day and Silly Sock Exchange: The class is welcome to come to school in pajamas! Please send a wrapped pair of silly socks for a gift exchange game. Children are also invited to bring a stuffed animal on this day. 

  • 12/20: Grades Assembly - 11:15 a.m. (All families are welcome to attend.) 

  • 12/20: Last Day of Fall Semester (Half Day dismissal) 

  • 12/23 - 01/06: Winter Break (No School)

  • 01/07: Spring semester begins


Ki Michelle