Kindergarten Turtles: December 9-13, 2024
Greetings, Turtle Families,
It was a wet, cold, warm, windy week. We enjoyed several guest readers in our class last week. Thank you for coming in and sharing a favorite story from home. The children enjoyed all of the books. We look forward to hearing more stories this week!
The Turtles had a busy week of crafts and activities. We have a couple of end-of-semester projects in the works. The children have been told that they can keep the projects we are working on as a surprise for their families, or they can tell you about them, it is up to them. You will probably see some clues in the pictures. Handwork helps to develop math skills, spatial awareness, and fine motor skills, all while focusing the student's attention and producing a tangible result. They have each worked with diligence and pride on each part of their projects, and finishing them up this week will be both rewarding and fun for the Turtle students.
One of our handwork projects complements our story, The Kind Evergreens. Winter is coming, and an injured bird cannot fly south with the other birds. The bird looks to the trees of the forest for help, and a Spruce, Pine, and Juniper tree offer the bird safe shelter, warm branches, and food for the winter. As a reward for their kindness, King Winter tells Brother Wind not to blow the leaves from those trees. The trees were evergreen for that year and are evergreen still today.
We celebrated Shepherd’s 6th Birthday on Thursday. Shepherd’s parents and little brother visited our classroom to celebrate with us. Happy Birthday, Shepherd! (Penny’s Birthday picture from the week before is also included below.)
This week, we will have so many fun things planned!
Monday - we had a fire and roasted s’mores – weather permitting
Tuesday - we made pomanders (oranges with cloves) for the children to take home.
Wednesday - students may bring a stuffed animal to school. They can play with their stuffies in the forest, eat snacks and lunch with them, and rest with them at rest time. Please make sure the stuffed animal is small enough to fit in their backpacks and is one that is okay to get dirty.
Thursday - we will have musical instruments to play in the forest.
Friday - Game Day – we will play games in the forest all morning.
It has been a wonderful Fall semester in our forest. We hope you all have a restful break filled with fun, family, and lots of love. Thank you for sharing your children with us. We look forward to being back together in the new year!
Announcements and Reminders for Turtles Kindergarten:
12/20: Grades Assembly - 11:15 a.m. (All families are welcome to attend)
12/20: Last Day of Fall Semester (Half Day dismissal)
12/23 - 01/06: Winter Break (No School)
01/07: Spring semester begins
Your child’s rest mat will be sent home for cleaning; please return it on your child’s first day at school next semester.
The break is a great time to check your child’s boots and other gear and ensure they fit your child properly; young children grow quickly! Please be sure to send them back to school with all the needed Garden School layers and gear.
Grace and Peace,
Ki Kim