HomeSchool: Nov 12 - 16


We learned about animal timekeepers this week, and talked about which ones are nocturnal, diurnal, and crepuscular. We discussed which animals sleep a lot in a 24-hour period and which ones sleep very little. As you study different animals, this is a good question to ask about each. 

We drew fairies, read poems about fairies, and then sketched plans of how we would build houses for fairies. Finally the time came to create a fairy village at the edge of the woods, complete with fairy houses, bridges, tunnels, pools, a beach, a theater, and tiny lights to welcome them. Before we were finished with the village, a cold, fine mist moved in. It dampened us but not our spirits! 

We had a going away get-together for Logan whose last day was Thursday. Logan and her parents, Mike and Kelly, are moving back to southern California to complete the movie Mike is directing. A BIG thankyou to Ki Kelly, Ki Julia, and Ki Debbie for preparing a special snack and hot beverage for us all! Thank you too for the beautiful fall centerpiece.

We will begin our reptile study the week of November 28th. Ki Kate will be subbing for me and she'll talk about snakes. When I return on December 4th, we'll finally get to celebrate Ari's 14th birthday at school. This will also be the day for Ari, Elsu, Bear, and Lucan to give their amphibian presentations, and I'll give my presentation on hellbenders. Thursday, December 6th we will be focusing on sea turtles.

The next Garden Girls Girl Scout program will be Tuesday, December 4th, 3:30-5:00pm at the school. We will learn how to pitch a tent and the kinds of gear you need for a camping trip. 

We have started singing a new song and look forward to teaching it to the DeWillers. Here is the chorus:

You grab a line.

I'll grab a pole.

We'll go fishing in the crawfish hole.

Under a full moon Saturday night

Till the sun comes up in the morning.

Quote from a child: "If the horse you're drawing looks more like a dog, make it a dog."

Quote from Sir Laurens Van Der Post: "Convoys, boating trips, and hiking expeditions are best led from behind, where trouble, like the dust, invariably settles."

I am so thankful for all of our HomeSchool families during this, my favorite holiday. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Ki Sonya