Upper Grades: Jan 22 - 25

Greetings, parents of our Upper Grades students! 

I’d like to remind you of the All-School Parent Meeting on Tuesday, February 5 at 7:00 pm. It’s an adult-only event. (There will not be child care.) We’ll be hearing about how things are shaping up for next year, among other things. We really look forward to seeing you! We ask that each family be represented. 

The media policy is so important. Each familiy’s good faith efforts (and it does take effort, believe me, I know) will be felt in subtle and not-so-subtle ways for years to come.

Here is a movement I invite you to look into. Parents are taking a pledge all over the country/world to “Wait until Eighth” before giving a child a smartphone. https://www.waituntil8th.org. It helps parents support each other in keeping their hands on the steering wheel of media use. 

Here are a couple of announcements from Ki Molly:

Field Trip - The Upper Grades students will be attending a performance of "Freedom Train" at the Fox Theater on Feb 12 at 10:30am to go along with our Underground Railroad studies later in the semester. "Freedom Train tells the thrilling story of Harriet Tubman, the Moses of her people, in a fascinating series of highly theatrical scenes that use dance, dialogue and music of the period:" https://classicproductions.org/freedom-train/ . Please let us know if your student will not be able to attend, so we can adjust our ticket count accordingly. If you are interested in attending as a chaperone, please contact Ki Molly: molly@thegardenmarietta.org  

Class Play - The Upper Grades class play performance of "Gilgamesh" will be on Feb 14 at 6:30 pm in the church sanctuary. All students should now have their lines memorized. Starting Feb 4, our main lesson block will be focused on our performance. Due to the tight timeline for our performance, Ki Molly will be hosting an optional play practice after early release for parent teacher conferences on 2/12 and 2/14. Students that wish to stay for play rehearsal will not be charged for After Care on those dates.