Middle Grades: Feb 4 - 8

Middle Grades,

     We have collected four kinds of mud for making bricks.  We will experiment to find the best combination of materials, then, once each child has a brick to bring home, we will make some more and decide what we will build with them for the school.  If anyone has experience with bricks, I would love to have a cohort.  Please let me know if you can/ are willing to help.

     The spelling test this week will be on Wednesday again.  The test for the new list will be on the Monday that we return from break, and hopefully we'll be back on track for Mondays for the rest of the year.

     If your child has not returned their books and book report, please make sure they come back in this week.  The book report is now more than a week overdue, unlsss I gave them an extension.  All of them are due this week.  I will distribute a new book by Friday.

     I talked with the students about their Dwellings projects, which are due when we return from break.  The model building needs to be on a hard surface for easy transport.  The report that accompanies the model should answer these  questions:  When did this structure become common?  Why is shaped like it is?  What materials is it made of and why?  Where are these houses built (what part of the world)?  What is the climate and geography of the area?   Who lives in them? 

     It needs to be hand written, and in their very best handwriting. Each paragraph should have at least two sentences, and the first word of the paragraph should be indented. I would encourage you to edit a draft, and if you can't read it well, ask them to write it again.  If your child is not able to complete this assignment alone, please make sure that the guidance you give is after they have told you what they want to say.  In other words, it should be written in their own words.  

     I also told them that I would much prefer a model that they designed and built themselves than one you design and build.  Creative use of recycled materials is a plus.  Please call/ text/email me if you have questions.

     Multiplication tables are a priority!!!  Please use whatever methods you can to help your child memorize them.  We will be practicing all four operations - adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing - for the remainder of the year, and the third graders will be doing multiplication and division problems that involve carrying and remainders, so the multiplication tables are essential.

Thursday is St. Valentine's Day.  If your child would like to give their classmates valentines, please be sure to include every student in the class. 

     i look forward to seeing you this week for conferences.

     Have a great week!!