HomeSchool: January 28 - Feb 1

Hi all! 

Well, we had a snow day on Tuesday with no snow. We did have some black ice in Kennesaw Tuesday evening so it was a bit sketchy driving around just after sunset. 

On Thursday, we celebrated Helene’s 8th birthday with lemon cream tarts and hot chocolate and singing and horsing around! We thoroughly enjoyed gyotaku (fish printing) with fabric paints on our white t-shirts. Thank you to Ki Heather and Ki Jill for all of your help that day! 

Remember that we have our mandatory parents meeting in the sanctuary this Tuesday evening at 7:00pm. Each family must be represented. 

Be sure to sign up for a parent/teacher conference with me one afternoon next week. Go to Signup Genius if you haven’t already. At this conference, I’ll show you your child’s class work and art, discuss any discipline concerns, and share details about upcoming events. 

Quote from a child: "No matter what the teacher says, February is the longest month."

Quote from Unknown: "Remember that everyone you meet is afraid of something, loves something, and has lost something."

See you around the bend, 
Ki Sonya