Joyful Beginnings: March 18 - 22

We continued our bread making practice. This has become our favorite activity in the week. Everyone loves to work with the dough. It is a simple recipe with few ingredients. We use masa harina, water, salt and a little bit of oil to mix them all together. Kids knead the dough to get a consistency similar to playdough. Then we bake them in the oven. We dip our freshly baked cornbread into hummus and enjoy our snack.

In our painting time, we continued to use blue and yellow colors. Kids started to learn about the green color. We mixed our blue and yellow to get to the green. We discussed how blue sky and yellow sun can combine into green grass. Another day we used beeswax to make a rainbow.

The warmer weather starts to do wonders in our garden. We had our first flowers blooming. The kids were finally able to see the results of seeds and bulbs that we planted earlier in the school year.

We had another visitor in our class. He joined our class on Friday and spent a day with us. He played with our kids and kindergarten kids as well.

Ki Ieva is traveling to Latvia to visit her mom and sister who is getting married. She will be out next week from Wednesday. Ki Ieva will be back after spring break.