Lower Grades: April 15 - 19

The Lower Grades are doing a wonderful job working on their various parts for our play, Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat. Each day we sing, say our parts and practice moving around to our respective places.  This week we will focus on making props and having our dress rehearsals. We look forward to seeing you all Thursday evening for our 6:30 performance in the sanctuary. PLEASE HAVE YOUR CHILD HERE BY 5:45 THURSDAY EVENING.  Doors open at 6:15 for seating. 

This past week we continued focusing on two and three letter-blends, practicing their sounds, writing the sounds and also writing words that use the blends. In Spanish class, the children are learning seasons among other concepts. In Mandarin, they used brushes to practice forming Chinese characters.   We also practice drawing and painting flowers to celebrate spring. This week we will focus on decoding compound words with the c-v-c pattern such as “catnip”.

Please remember to send water bottles every day!


Ki Melissa