Lower Grades: April 22 - 26

The Lower Grades finished up their Play block this past week.  I cannot say enough on how proud I am of the work and effort they put in to learning their parts, movements and songs.  Each student came away feeling successful and enjoyed the process as well as the final outcome.  Enjoying drama at their age is the main goal.  Having such a wonderful play was secondary, and yet they did both with total success.  A big thank you to Ki Kathee who had the vision and skill to lead us through the block.

This coming week we will finish the year as we started, with a final block of Form Drawing.  We will continue playing math and language games as well as spend time doing activities the children enjoyed all year.  Please remember to check backpacks for wet gear, and to continue sending your child in with a change of clothes.  As the weather heats up, we will be outside more and more and will spend time in the creek as our schedule allows.


Ki Melissa