Middle Grades: February 24 - 28

We began our block on Human and Animal this week with a piece of clay.  I invite you to try this exercise with a piece of clay…

Imagine the shape of your head.  Now round the piece of clay to look like a head - not totally round, slightly oblong.  Now do the same exercise, but think of the torso, or trunk.  The shape of the torso is a lot like a crescent moon: rounded in front and straighter in the back.  And lastly, what about the limbs?  Arms and legs are shaped differently, and have different things at the ends.  Each part of the body has a primary function, and, when in alignment, each part functions well with the other parts.  It is our hands from which we give and receive. It is from this feeling level that we approach our study of the relationship of hand, trunk, and limbs, and discover animals that function primarily in one phase. 

In this week's study, we discussed animals that are mostly head.  All of these creatures live in the sea.  Octopus, cuttlefish, oysters, and clams fit into this category.  Each of them have some very interesting habits and special talents.  Ask your child to recap them for you this week.  We'll be moving on to trunk animals next week.

I had mentioned that there would be an animal report coming up, but I have decided to wait until our second block to assign this report.  I want to finish the initial introduction to each of the groups of animals before asking the children which animal they want to spend enough time with to do a report.

There is a spelling test Monday, March 2.  Please help your child study.  The words are posted on the Middle Grades FB page.

We have a rolling book case that holds various books and supplies and is transported up and down the elevator on Mondays/Fridays.  The back is coming off, and each week something new comes tumbling out.  If you have the tools and skills to repair it, I would certainly appreciate your help.  Just text me and let me know if/when you can fix it and I'll make sure it's empty before you come.  Thank you in advance.

We are almost finished with Charlotte's Web and we'll be putting together our book reports in class, probably next week.  After they are completed, I will be assigning a new book to each student, and ask for the next book report to be the same format as the one we are doing for Charlotte's Web.  More on that next week.

Have a great week!!

Spring is almost here!