Middle Grades: April 27 - May 1

After today, we only have two more weeks of school! It seems unbelievable that we have almost finished another year. To quote a little Dickens, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. “ It is definitely a time these students will not forget. I do not want to give this as an assignment, but I think it would be a nice thing for the students to reflect on what this quarantine has been like for them and then hold onto this reflection so that they can read it sometime in the future.  

Today we begin our final block, ending the year by looking at more animals. My goal had been to talk about the animal one day, then write draft, edit, draw the picture and put both on main lesson book paper the second day.  In our current situation, we will spread each animal’s lesson out over three days. When we begin in the fall, we will have a short animal block to do our research project and hopefully visit the rescue zoo in Dahlonega. At that time, we will look at the animals we did not have time for in the Spring.

We will not assemble the Main Lesson Books until the beginning of school next year. I will continue to collect the ones we finish between now and May 15.  If you aren’t finished, you can continue to work over the summer, and allow your child  time to finish and bring them to class in August. 

I’m thinking about a virtual field day, especially since all of you have multiple children. Outdoor games and tests of skill. Most definitely involving water of some kind. What do you think?  I am interested in feedback and  suggestions. We could do a zoom session and be able to watch each competition and have a mystery judge. 

While I increased the number of assignments this week, please do each assignment at a pace that suits your circumstances. The classroom will be up and running all summer. 

Have a great week!  We are on the home stretch!