Sixth Grade: December 11 - 15, 2023

Dear Sixth Grade Families,

The class completed the second and final block about Ancient Rome, ending with Constantine and the slow downfall of the Roman Empire. The students completed their timeline of the rise and fall and their maps depicting the Roman Empire at its height. We also read about the Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages and how these corresponded to the height of the Roman Empire.  We spent time learning about the rise of Christianity and its influences on the region. The class also learned about the Celtic people and had fun drawing and tying Celtic knots. The week finished off with the story of Attila the Hun and the Fall of Rome.

In Cyber Civics this week, the class discussed the five principles (honesty, compassion, respect, responsibility, and courage) and how they can be a good citizen in both offline and online spaces. They had some time to think and write about the potential consequences of not following these principles when interacting with others in digital spaces, whether this is a Zoom meeting, social media, online gaming, or even a group chat with friends. Unit 2 wrapped up with a discussion on Digital Citizenship (safe and responsible use of digital tools) and some creative work drafting “Community Guidelines or Standards” for a new positive online community. 

We had a fun end of semester party together! Thank you all for sharing your children with us each day and for supporting our class! We wish you all a happy, restful, and joyful Winter break and look forward to being together in the new year!

Announcements and Reminders:

  • Have a wonderful Winter Break!  

  • Please remember to clean out and repack backpacks and check that rainboots still fit before the new semester. 

  • Winter coats are required daily.

Upcoming Events:

  • 12/20 Grades Assembly - 11:45 a.m. & Last Day of Fall Semester - Half Day

  • 12/21 - 01/03 Winter Break (No School)

  • 01/04 First day of Spring Semester

With Gratitude,

Ki Melissa and Ki Lesley