Specialty Highlight May 2024: Music

Greetings from the Music Room. We are wrapping up a fun and successful year of playing, singing, and learning. 

First, Second, and Third Grade students have done exceptionally well at their pennywhistles this year. Continuing to play for the joy of it over the summer is a great idea. Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade students have also grown with their instruments. The Fourth and Fifth graders learned, reviewed, and extended their skills with the ukulele, while the Sixth graders were introduced to the drums and guitar this year. 

As we wrap up the school year, all classes have explored the feeling created by placing the different notes of the major scale over the home tone. For the last week or so, we have been exploring the music of Peter and the Wolf and Pictures at an Exhibition. The students in all the Grade classes truly enjoyed thinking about the scenes the music created and acting out those scenes.

Wishing you all a fun summer break!

 ‘Till next year,
