Fourth Grade: November 15 - 19

Dear Fourth Grade Families,

Thank you for sharing your child with me each school day! I am grateful for being able to know all of them and all of you!

This past week, we learned about oysters, clams, and sea snails, along with salmon and flounders. The students created lovely drawings of each type of animal in their habitat, as well as painted some and modeled others with beeswax. When we return from break, we will continue to look at other animals and how they relate to human beings.

On the first week of our return, we will also look forward to walking our Winter Spiral on Thursday morning at 11:30. Families are invited to join us in the pine forest, across from our outside classroom, to watch their child and classmates walk our lovely candlelit spiral as they carry light into the world and share that light with others. It is a charming opportunity to witness how each child approaches the center light, how they choose to walk with that light back through the spiral, and where they choose to place this light as well. We hope you will be able to join us.


  • Dress warm each day! Layers, gloves, and wool socks all help us keep warm and support learning in our outdoor environment. Hot drinks in a thermos are welcome.

With gratitude,
