Kindergarten Beavers: September 19-23

Greetings Dear Beaver Families,

We had another wonderful and eventful week in our Beavers class. Thank you for harvesting goldenrod and marigold over the weekend and sharing it with our class. Our silk dyeing project was a joy to do. Many thanks also to Ki Ieva who helped prepare the silks and dye for our kindergarten classes. It is so valuable for children in this age (4-6) to see the process of things and the results before their eyes. These activities nourish their senses- they get to see how it feels, looks, smells, and how it transforms. It is purposeful work. They need to see us doing things with purpose and intention and also to have the opportunity to do it themselves. They are learning how to be in the world. The children's will is said to be bound up with their metabolic system, and there is so much gained when children can see processes unfold. So many things in our current society are prepared ahead, and these experiences at school are invaluable. It was so magical to see the beautiful dyed silks hanging in the forest made luminous by the sunlight, truly a special experience all together! 

We visited the garden this past week as well and were happy to see new hens added to our garden animal family! We spent probably one of our last creek days before the weather starts cooling in a different part of the creek, where there is a little cascade. The children worked hard stacking large rocks, watching the water flow and also trying to fill in the cracks with smaller rocks. We also spotted a large rock that was smiling at us! Someone from the grades seems to have sculpted a smiley face on one of the rocks with clay, but it was smiling at us as far as we were concerned! We also got the opportunity to celebrate Seyla’s sixth birthday! It was wonderful to hear memories from when she was a baby up until now. On Thursday, we cut out star patterns with our watercolor paintings from Tuesday. We painted with yellow and red for our Day of Courage week. We used the scraps from our cutouts to make little autumn leaves that we will add to our hanging mobile on our platform. Now that autumn is on its way, it is time to add those seasonal touches to our classroom as well. It helps being outside, too! 


  • October 3rd–Teacher Workday (NO SCHOOL)

  • Conferences are coming up on October 12th, 13th, and 14th. You can sign up for a time here. Conferences will be in person at the school, however if you need to meet virtually instead please let me know and we will arrange for that. If you do not see a time that works for you, please let me know and we will schedule a different time. Conferences are planned for 20 minutes. If you feel you may need longer for your child's conference, please let me know before scheduling so we can work out a time that respects your time and that of other families. We ask that children do not attend conferences, allowing us to communicate in confidence.

  • October 12-14th–Half day, 12:30 dismissal, Parent-Teacher Conferences

  • Please have your child use the bathroom before leaving the house in the mornings. 

  • October 29th is Kingdom of Halloween.  Save the date for this magical festival.

Thank you for sharing your precious children with us. May peace and blessings be with you all. Enjoy the break and see you in October! 


Ki Fatima