Gardens and Grounds:
We are focusing on upgrading our current rabbit habitat, including building a multi-level hutch. We will be adding a clear roof to the hutch and making sure that they have plenty of room to run around.
Festivals committee is focusing on Kingdom of Halloween clean up and organization as items move back to storage. We also discussed and began planning the upcoming Lantern Walk, its meaning, and its importance for holding reverence for this event.
CAB (Community, Accessibility, and Belonging):
During our recent CAB committee meeting, we discussed upcoming community service projects, including our coat drive and food drive in November and our toy drive in December. More information about these events will be posted in the messenger soon; if you are interested in helping us gather, sort, and/or deliver materials, please email us here.
We are happy to announce that our Community Resource List is now ready and will be available through a link in each week’s messenger. You can find the resource list here. If you are aware of resources that you would like to see added to the list, please reach out, as we will continue to add to the list. We are also having ongoing discussions about the best ways to include the school community in our work.
Faculty Study:
The Faculty Study Committee is currently studying eight of the twelve human senses with the Garden School Faculty. Waldorf Education identifies twelve interrelated human senses, including the traditionally known senses of vision, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. Supporting the integration of the twelve senses helps students to grow into healthy human beings and makes learning possible.
Colleagueship meets every week and is responsible for planning in-services, teacher training and professional development, supporting the needs of the faculty and staff, and hiring and coordinating substitute teachers. Their current focus is the planning of the upcoming November 1 teacher in-service.