Speciality Class Highlight March 2023: Spanish

First grade -Third grade

These classes have similar content, however, in each grade, the lesson and vocabulary are expanded.  In all three grades, we have covered vocabulary for breakfast, lunch, and dinner foods. In first and second grades, we learned short sentences to express our likes and dislikes for various foods, and additionally, in third, we also learned about typical foods from different Spanish-speaking countries. In these early grades, we also took great care in learning about our bodies. We pointed and named parts of the body from head to toe and enjoyed games using them. A very important lesson was the one about our emotions and states. For example how to say “I am happy,” or “I am hungry.” Second and third graders also learned verbs associated with the different parts of the body. 

For winter, all classes learned the vocabulary for snow, cold, the clothes we wear, and the sports we practice at this time of the year. We also learned the colors blue and white. In second grade, our lessons included words and phrases about animals that live in cold climates and their body parts.  While in third grade, we studied the changes that take place in nature such as the migration of birds, the freezing of lakes, and things that we do to keep us warm during the cold months. Last week we started our unit about spring. Being able to observe the vocabulary we’re working on in the world around them makes the learning more relevant.

Fourth grade

The fourth grade class started to take dictations of the lyrics of songs that we learned in previous years. The students were able to sing as they read the lyrics. We practiced our pronunciation as each student took turns reading the lyrics. The class was introduced to the written words for body parts and emotions. We wrote brief descriptions of the location of our body parts using position words. The ideas of pronouns, verbs, and adjectives in Spanish were also introduced.

Fifth grade

In the fifth grade we continued learning the conjugation of present tense AR, IR, and ER verbs and worked on the irregular verbs SER and ESTAR. We also talked about body parts and emotions.  The class practiced writing by dictation and reading out loud.  The fifth grade will soon start learning the PAST TENSE.


Ki Maria