Dear Joyful Beginnings Families,
Welcome to the Garden School! It was wonderful to see everyone at our Meet & Greet last Friday. We are looking forward to going on this exciting adventure with all of our Joyful friends.
This is our first week of school so we will use this time to help each child get familiar with our daily rhythm and the environment around us. During circle time, we will learn each other’s name, special symbol, and sing “Good Morning, Dear Earth”. We will explore our outdoor playground and forest platform.
In the forest, we will familiarize ourselves with the boundaries and learn how to play safely with shovels, big trucks, and natural materials such as sticks and rocks. Next week, we will introduce our first finger puppet play about five little sheep.
Announcements and Reminders:
Creating a goodbye ritual can be very helpful at drop off, such as sharing a special handshake with your child or saying encouraging words when you hug goodbye.
Please send two water bottles and bug spray.
Please label all the belongings.
Please bring a vegetable and an apple on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Upcoming Events:
8/26: Community work day 9 a.m.-12 p.m.
9/4: Labor day (No School)
9/5: Joyful Beginnings and Kindergarten Curriculum Night at 6 p.m.
9/6: Grades Curriculum Night at 6 p.m.
Thank you for sharing your lovely children with us and thank you for your support.
Ki Siyu and Ki Angela