Greetings, Turtle Families,
Thank you for attending and volunteering at Kingdom of Halloween. It was so nice to work with the Turtle Families to make this wonderful festival a reality for the children. We hope you all had fun. It was a magical night! It made for a busy several days, however. It was lovely to see so many Turtle Families at the Community Meeting on Monday. You all make such a difference in our community, and your support and active involvement are very much appreciated!
The mornings were quite chilly last week, so thank you for sending your children in layers. We will send the change-of-clothes bags home this week so that the summer clothes can be changed out for fall clothes. Please check your child’s backpack and send the change-of-clothes bag back to school.
We went on a nature walk at the beginning of the week and collected beautiful fall leaves from the trees around campus. We took them back to class and then used block crayons to make leaf rubbings. The children were delighted to see the leaves appear on their paper. We also painted with three colors for the first time this week. So many beautiful colors were created as the children mixed the paints. The intent of our wet-on-wet watercolor painting is to explore color. It is fun to watch the children discover how the primary colors work together to become secondary colors. We heard lots of exclamations as the children mixed green, purple, and orange on their papers. Each child’s painting was beautiful and unique.
On Fridays, when the classes are smaller, we often visit with the Honeybee class. We have had the Honeybees over to our class a couple of times, and it is lovely to see the Turtles share their classroom and play with the Honeybee students. On Friday, we got to be the guests in the Honeybee classroom for the first time. It is always fun to play with new friends, and it is exciting to play in new spaces.
Announcements and Reminders:
Please continue sending coats, hats, and gloves daily.
11/01: No School (Teacher In-service Day)
11/06: Lantern Walk for Kindergarten through Third Grade at 6:00 p.m.
11/12 at 6:00 pm: Please plan to attend our Curriculum Night. All of the early childhood classes will meet together to talk about winter weather gear and how we manage winter weather at school.
Grace and Peace,
Ki Kim