Dear Joyful Beginnings Bluebirds Families,
It had been a wonderful week in the Bluebirds class. The children chopped vegetables and fruits on Monday and Thursday to help prepare snacks. After watching teachers’ demonstrations and practicing, the children improved their control over their choppers, and they felt very pleased that they could help. Autumn seems to have arrived. Orange and brown leaves blanket our forest classroom. The children enjoyed collecting the leaves to use as baking ingredients in the mud kitchen. Our neighboring class, the Turtles, generously shared some wooden boards with us so that we could make car ramps. The children enjoyed releasing the cars and seeing them speed down on wheels. We experienced some rain later in the week. Thank you so much for dressing your children appropriately on rainy days. With the protective rain gear, the children had a blast playing outside.
To celebrate the Day of Courage in our classroom, we will start a new story called Young George and the Baby Dragon. This week, the children will finish making their beautiful and magical star wands, which they will play with in the forest. On Tuesday, we are going to celebrate Josef’s birthday, and on Thursday we are going to celebrate Paxton’s birthday. We are excited to share these special days with Josef and Paxton and their families.
Announcements and Reminders for Bluebirds:
9/20 Day of Courage-Half Day: Bluebirds pickup time will be from 12-12:15.
10/10 Half Day: Bluebirds pickup time will be from 12:00-12:15.
10/10-10/11 Fall Conferences: Please sign up here. I am looking forward to meeting you! If you need a different time, please let me know.
Thank you for sharing your lovely children with us, and thank you for your support.
Ki Siyu and Ki Cecilia