Joyful Beginnings Bluebirds: November 18 - 22, 2024

Dear Joyful Beginnings Bluebirds Families, 

Thank you for attending the Thanksgiving Luncheon before the break. We hope you had a wonderful time with your family and friends. We were thrilled to see all of the children, and they shared some fun experiences with us.

The children had fun playing at school prior to the break. In the forest, they collected leaves and pine cones to create nature prints on clay. On Tuesday, we had a lot of rain, but as the temperatures were still warm, the children loved splashing in the puddles and cooking in the mud kitchen with water. We've completed telling The Little Red House story. It's a charming story about a young boy who goes on an adventure to find a little red house with no doors, no windows, and a star within. With the help of many kind neighbors and the wind, the little boy discovered a red apple that resembled a small red house with no doors and no windows. The boy took the apple home, and his mother chopped through it. It was fantastic when they discovered a star inside, holding brown seeds. The children appreciated the story and were surprised to see the star inside the apples. 

We are going to start this week by introducing a late autumn story called The Sleepy Bear. Our new circle will feature two songs titled When Mary Goes Walking and King Winter. On Wednesday, we will celebrate Red's birthday. We're looking forward to spending the day with Red and his family.

Announcements and Reminders for Bluebirds:

  • 12/04: Red’s birthday celebration.

  • We will serve fun snacks on December 18th and 19th at school. You don’t need to bring a vegetable or a fruit the last week of the Fall Semester. 

    • Wednesday, 12/18: Festively shaped pretzels with apple fruit spread and raisins.

    • Thursday, 12/19:  Freeze-dried strawberries and rice cracker stars (gluten free, sweet & salty).

    • If you prefer your children not to have these snacks, please let us know in advance. Thank you!

  • 12/20: Grades Assembly - 11:15 a.m. (All families are welcome to attend) 

  • 12/20: Last Day of Fall Semester

  • 12/23 - 01/06: Winter Break (No School)

  • 01/07: Spring Semester begins

Thank you for sharing your lovely children with us, and thank you for your support.


Ki Siyu and Ki Cecilia


Joyful Beginnings Hummingbirds: November 18-22, 2024


“Día de los Muertos”