Kindergarten Chickadees: November 18-22, 2024

Osiyo, Chickadee Families,

Thank you for attending the Thanksgiving Luncheon before the break. Hopefully, everyone had a wonderful week off. It has been great seeing the children back on campus, and we look forward to a fun semester-end.

Before the break, students wrapped up learning about autumn by making festive Thankful Leaf hanging decorations. Along with painting or coloring the paper, writing their names, and stringing the leaves and beads, the students experienced the concept of thankfulness as they thought of things they were thankful for in their lives. Practicing gratitude has been shown to build resilience and self-esteem and protect against trauma for children and adults. It can be beneficial for families to share something they are thankful for with each other each day. This brief but centering activity usually fits well into meal, morning, or bedtime preparation times in the daily rhythm.

For the next few weeks before semester break, the Chickadees will be as busy as birds preparing for winter!  The students will learn a short, new circle about tree-cutting gnomes and hear a story about King Winter preparing shelter and food to keep animals safe in the winter. The children will make different treats for the forest creatures at school and a special craft to take home. During the week before semester break, the class will enjoy special snacks and activities; this schedule will be in next week’s messenger. During the week of December 16-20, we will also have a guest reader during story time each day (approximately 10:15-10:45 a.m.). If you or a family member is interested in joining us one morning to read a favorite winter or holiday-themed story to the class, please sign up here. Please reach out to Ki Holly if you have any questions.

Announcements and Reminders for Chickadee Kindergarten:

  • 12/10: Winter Spiral - Chickadees walk at 9:15 a.m.

  • 12/20: Grades Assembly - 11:15 a.m. (All families are welcome to attend) 

  • 12/20: Last Day of Fall Semester (Half Day dismissal) 

  • 12/23 - 01/06: Winter Break (No School)

  • 01/07: Spring semester begins

  • We need Greenery for the Winter Spiral. Please consider asking for extra clipping from tree lots or donating trimmings from pruned evergreens in your yard. Greenery can be left alongside the fence in the field area. Thank you!

Thank you for sharing your children with us and for being part of our community.


Ki Holly


Kindergarten Turtles: November 18-22, 2024


Kindergarten Honeybees: November 18-22, 2024