Grades 1/2 March 20 - 24

Hi Garden Families,

We had a great week with the yellow gnome named Times.  We spent our mornings working with gems to figure out how multiplication works.  The children really enjoyed taking a group of gems and seeing how many ways they could be grouped for faster counting (multiplication).  We also practice form drawing with circles which takes some practice and patience.  We are back to playing in and around the creek this week with the nicer weather.  We saw a Yellow Belly water snake (our best guess😊), snails, minnows, and many macroinvertebrates. 

The children all helped to make and tasted mango lassies on the last Thursday of Hindi class.  Next week we will begin learning American Sign Language.  They also had so much fun playing Camel Tag and Blindman’s Bluff in Games class.  For Handwork, the children wet felted around plastic eggs, an activity offered at our Springtide festival on April 15th, as well as continued working on their knitting projects.  Our garden is starting to show its signed of springs as the seeds the children planted are now seedlings and being replanted into our garden beds!  The watering crew worked very hard bringing water from the pond to our new plants too.

Spring has sprung!  Please check your child’s backpack and be sure that their extra clothes are in place and updated for our spring weather.  They will be getting wet once again and a change of clothes is necessary as well as extra shoes for inside (or boots for outside).  Jacket are still needed in the early mornings as is full rain gear (pants too please).  Every child has had their water bottles (yay!) which becomes even more necessary as it warms up.  Thank you all!

Have a lovely week,

Ms. Melissa