Second Grade: November 11 - 15

We enjoyed our second week of saint stories hearing the stories of St. Martin, St. Elizabeth and St. Odilia.  We painted using water colors for each story and also copied poems about the saints.  Using the poems, we are continuing to learn spelling rules and conventions of grammar.  We also stepped back from cursive letters to work on various running forms. Drawing these forms both in sand and on paper, strengthen hand muscles and help us develop the flowing movements for cursive writing.  We then reviewed the Vimala ‘A’ and added the letter ‘O’ this week.  In math, we are continuing to work with numbers to break them apart into their place values.  We found the pattern of increasing zeros (place holders) as we looked at numbers into the hundred thousands!

Please keep sending your child in layers!  We did stay comfortable even in the early mornings in the dome.  A special thank you to Theo’s dad, John, from Joyful Beginnings.  He spent several hours this week cutting firewood to fit the wood stove!

This Friday at 11:45 is our Thanksgiving Luncheon!! Pack a picnic lunch and a blanket and join your child for lunch on the playground.

We are keeping it simple this year, and asking parents to sign up below to bring a dessert, drink or paper goods to share. Each class will be sharing a song or poem during the picnic. We hope to see you there!

Please also keep in mind it is early dismissal as we start our Thanksgiving break.

With gratitude,
