Upper Grades: January 21 - 24

Last week we forged right along with our Middle Ages block expanding our understanding of the forces that shaped life in Medieval Times. We learned about how the various barbarian groups established systems of rule and territories that formed the Western European languages and countries that we know today. We learned about the Carolingian dynasty and how Charles Martel, Pepin, and Charlemagne united the Frankish empire and expanded the Roman Catholic presence converting many of the Goth and Lombard tribal people. We learned more about monastic life and the hierarchies within the feudal system and the Catholic church and the complexities that arose from the interwoven religious and government systems. We also began writing a lengthy essay about the Middle Ages, and I've been so impressed with the progress the students have made with their writing skills. 

I handed out the assignment details for the Middle Ages research paper and everyone picked a topic. They were encouraged to pick topics about which they have a genuine interest, so I'm hoping the assignment will be engaging for them. I gave opportunities to do research in class this week, and most of the students chose to use their time wisely. 

Our field trip to Al-Farooq Mosjid helped the students solidify their understanding of the history of Islam. The tour guide gave an accessible overview of the pillars of Islam and answered all of their questions. The mosque has many beautiful architectural and artistic elements that we have studied in this block and in our Middle Ages, Rome, and Geometry blocks. I love how integrated the Waldorf curriculum is and how the students were able to see firsthand the interconnectedness of these elements and relate it to their classroom work. I plan for us to visit Monastery of the Holy Spirit in the spring to get a firsthand view into monastic life. 

The students are wrapping up their Algebra 1 workbooks in the next couple of days. They have grasped integer concepts quickly and solidly. We will have a math test on this material on Wednesday.

Reminder: Our play will be on February 13 at 6:30pm. I need assistance with props, costume and set design if anyone needs volunteer hours. Please let me know if you have time to help out.