Specialty Classes: SPANISH

Hola! Kindy has been enjoying singing songs like Sol Solecito, Los Colores, and our new song that they enjoy, El Cocodrilo. With Sol Solecito we talk about the weather, the sun, and sky, and colors. Our song about Los Colores talks about colors and also introduces us to animals and nature. The children love sharing their favorite colors and pointing colors out as we sing. El Cocodrilo has been a great addition as we count. We can now count from 1-20! 

Hola! First Grade did a wonderful job leading us in the assembly as well as performing their songs and rhymes in Spanish! We love to sing Sol Solecito (nature and weather), La Ardilla (animals and movement), Abro Mis Manos (opening verse) and counting to 100! We have enjoyed the Cocodrilo Song to help us count and have fun. We also sing about the days of the week, We have read and performed La Gallinita Roja (The Little Red Hen) and Los Colores. One of our favorite games is "Donde esta Pepita?" where the kids take turns hiding our squirrel and the seeker is directed (in Spanish) to find it.

Hola, Segundo Grado! They did a wonderful job showcasing some of their Spanish games, rhymes, and songs. We have been working on greeting each other.  They can count to 100 and count in 10s to 100 in Spanish. We learned the days of the week and how to say and write out the entire day in Spanish. Popular songs are Todas las Piedras (a Rudolf Steiner verse), Abro Mis Manos (opening verse), Marinero Hand game, Cocodrilo game counting to 100, as well as talking about the weather and months. We read and acted out La Gallinita Roja (The Little Red Hen) and El Cuervo y el Zorro (the Crow and the Fox) which they thoroughly enjoyed. We will be listening to and acting out more fables and talking about animals and their habitats. 

Hola, Tortugas del Sol (Sun Turtles-Middle Grades)! This class did a wonderful job reciting and showing us their hand games at the Assembly. We have been working on writing verses down in Spanish and the kids are doing a great job! They enjoy singing El Cocodrilo and reciting Todas las Piedras and Abro mis Manos. We also have recited tongue twisters. The last couple of weeks we have worked on the days of the week as well as reciting Los Meses del Año (The months of the year) and talking about special celebrations and birthdays throughout the year. Now we are working on animals and the alphabet. 

Hola, Grado Superior! They did an AMAZING job reciting El Niño Americano, which is a LONG poem (over two minutes long!). First we worked on memory work with the poem and then we begin talking about countries and continents. We have been focusing on Mexico and we all drew a map of Mexico and labeled it. We also talked about the different oceans around Mexico and words such as vecino (neighbor), frontera (border), rios (rivers). 

A couple weeks ago, Shea made a special presentation on where tortillas came from. I brought in masa harina and the kids made tortillas which we then added cheese to and had quesdillas! it was quite a treat and several of the teachers also got to enjoy them. They are hoping on making a presentation on chocolate next :) 

We will be reading a legend from Mexico this week "El Popocatepetl and la Iztaciíhautl" two beautiful volcanoes in Mexico City (my home town).

I am so excited to be traveling to Los Angeles, California over midwinter break to visit Highland Hall Waldorf school and attend the 4th Annual Waldorf Spanish Teacher Association Conference! I can't wait to connect with other Spanish teachers and to come back with new ideas and stories to share with the children.