Second Grade: February 24 - 28

The second grade enjoyed being back together after break!  The warmer days at mid-week gave us reason to have some extra outdoor time and soak up some sunshine! Warm and wet looks to be this week’s trend!  If your child does not yet have rain pants or a rain suit, please provide them with it so they can enjoy all our outside wet play. As always, boots should be at school everyday! 

Last week we continued our Saints and Heroes block. We heard the stories of heroic or saintly people from China, India, and Ireland. We drew pictures together and copied summaries that focused on using proper punctuation including quotation marks. We also spent time each day focusing on syllabication. We clapped out syllables, wrote and divided words, and learned how to use the vowels and the consonants between those vowels to decide how to break words apart correctly. 

This week we will continue hearing stories of heroes in other lands, drawing and writing summaries, and continuing to practice and learn more about vowel and consonants patterns used to help us sound out longer words correctly. Learning these patterns supports phonics instruction which in turn helps us with reading and writing (spelling).

At home, please continue to practice basic addition and subtraction math facts. Many students need to continue focusing on memorization for the basic facts using 0-12. If you child has mastered these, please have them focus on facts 11-15. 

With gratitude,
