Second Grade: March 9 - 13

The second grade got right into our new math block that is focusing on multiplication.  Through story and movement, we practiced and recorded our tens, twos, and threes times tables.  The students built groups using gems to help them see and understand the connection between addition and multiplication.  We also continued drawing together which helps to build their confidence and develop their skills.  They follow along step-by-step for certain parts of the picture and then enjoy being given "artistic license" to add details.  We have also continued working on syllabication.  Many students are finding it easier to read and spell longer words using the method of breaking words into smaller chunks using specific strategies.

This week we will move to Google Classroom and I will send lesson information through that site.  You will receive an email invitation with a code today or tomorrow.  For second grade, parents will help coach their child through the formated lessons.  I am in the process of creating new lessons to best meet the students and families needs for the coming weeks.  There will be stories, pictures to draw, and summaries to copy, as well as additional learning to practice at home regarding math facts and sight words.  Foriegn Language teachers will share audios of songs and verses and other teachers will present additional lessons.  We will make the very best of this unusual situation!

We will also finish up reading Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, by Grace Lin on which our class play will be based.  Our performance date of April 30th is subject to change.  I will let you know the final date as soon as possible.

In the meantime, play together and enjoy each day to the fullest!

With gratitude,
