Second Grade: March 16 - 20

The second grade class has been transitioning into our new rhythms within our families and our schooling.  This can and should look differently for each family.  The suddenness of leaving school and, for some work, working from home, or still heading out the door, has meant we need to shift priorities in unexpected ways.  My hope is that the curriculum sent home each day will enrich your time together, rather than diminish it.  Please use what brings you all light and joy, and leave the rest behind.  Your children will still learn during this experience.  Let's be sure they are learning what will be most valuable and helpful to them and to you: togetherness, rhythm, practical life skills.  These are the makings of a joyful life!

That being said, this past week began a journey of trying to bring some of what we do in school each day into your homes.  We moved out of multiplication (and will return there back at school eventually) and into a language block based off the Jataka Tales.  These tales are important in the Buddhist tradition and are considered to be based upon incarnations of Buddha (not that I go into that with the students!;).  Similar to fables, they contain mischief and morals, our worst and best selves.  This is perfect for our children as they awaken out of their dreamy lives into our less than perfect world (am I right--lol?!?).  Just listening to these stories and then taking them into sleep with minimal or no discussion that first day is healthiest.  Revisiting them the next day through casual conversation (no need to steer it and please, do not give your moral interpretation--trust them to get there in their own in good time) is sufficient.  Drawing pictures is a fun and helpful way to bring the story into ourselves a little more deeply.  The copywork is a teaching tool.  Use it or not, it's all good!  Math games, worksheets, foreign language classes, etc. can round out home life as your schedule suits.  Or not.  And that is okay too! 

Practical life skills are invaluable, reading and playing together, quiet moments of solitude, and even, heaven forbid, being bored, are wonderful and necessary for growth.  Please make those your priorities!  Rest and relax all you can and see the good all around you!

With gratitude for each of you,


P.S.  My favorite answer to "I'm bored" is "Great!  That means you are just about to think of something really creative to do!"