Joyful Beginnings: February 1 - 5

This week came with colder weather. On one of our nature walks, we even found ice, which is always a thrilling time. The children were so excited for this winter moment. They experienced how cold ice is to hold in their hands for any length of time. We also learned how hard it is to not put in our mouths, a habit we will continue to cultivate. ;)

Each day seems to hold a special adventure for our class.  After enjoying ice on one of our days together, on another day, the children found some greenery left over from one of our Saturday open house events for prospective families. This they used to pretend to be butterflies.  Such a fun time they had with it.  Later in the day, we went visiting our farm animals friends, an activity the class always enjoys. Exploring the garden is always a welcomed adventure as well.  

Along with our enjoyment of our farm, we are continuing with our farm animals' theme.  We added a new poem about piggy and the three little pigs short story.  These will be posted in Google classroom for you all to enjoy together at home as well.  For our crafts, we were modeling with clay. We heard the piggy wiggy poem as we rolled balls of clay. As the poem progressed, the ball slowly turned into a long worm.  Worms help our gardens grow too!

February 2nd was Candlemas day. To celebrate it, we made earth candles together with all the grades students. It was a very beautiful experience to work with our older students and to see what our Joyful students have to look forward to as they become grades students one day. The grades students made their earth candles in the sandbox on our Joyful playground.  They had almost as much fun as our own students while there, happily imitating the Joyful play we share together. To include our Joyful students, who were not in session that day, in the celebration of the lengthening days and coming of spring, each was given a specially made beeswax candle to  take home. You can light up these candles while having beautiful thoughts towards the coming of the Spring.

I am looking forward to talking with you all at conferences.

Ki Ieva and Ki Brittany