Joyful Beginnings: April 19 - 23

The weather continues to treat us nicely: not too hot, not too cold. It’s been wonderful to be at school together!

We are continuing with our Rainbow theme. There are so many beautiful songs and poems about Rainbows that this kept us from moving on to our next theme. We introduced a new song and movement poem this week which will be posted to our Google Classroom. We also have new Rainbow decorations in our indoor classroom. For our art project, we used crayons to draw lovely rainbows. As always, the students enjoy outlining their cute hands. 

We introduced a new activity this week on Monday and Wednesday. We now have a box of wooden disks and have begun using sandpaper to sand them until they are smooth. The children enjoyed this activity. It is a fun way for them to exercise their small motor skills and all the students loved the smooth surfaces of the sanded discs.

We continued with our assigned class chore - watering the plants in the garden at our farm. While watering, we noticed that our strawberry plants already have few berries on them. The berries are still green, so we have to be patient and wait until the berries ripen.  

Thank you to Ki Derek for fixing our rocking horses.  The horses are in high demand and all enjoy riding them. This gives us another great opportunity to develop our patience as we wait for our turn to use the horses.

The students love feeding the animals, however, they also seem to love feeding themselves at the same time!  Growing bodies are hungry bodies and we have noticed the students want to eat the treats for our farm animals right along with them.  Going forward, we are asking families to please pack their child a small Monday snack for our animal visit. Ideally, this snack is something that both your child and our animals would love. Packing fruits and vegetables have the benefit of satisfying your child’s hunger in a healthy way and the leftovers can be shared with the animals. We will be sure to wipe our hands clean before our snack. 

Friday, May 7th is our school auction, Hope Blooms.  Please buy your event ticket at to bid on the many wonderful class projects and donated goods we will have to offer.  You may join us in person that evening.  Bidding will take place online, so if you are unable to attend in person, there is still an opportunity to participate.  We hope you can join us to support our wonderful school!


Ki Ieva and Ki Brittany