Third Grade: March 29 - April 2

The third-grade class completed a week reviewing the concept of measuring time before to our week of spring break.  Using the analog clocks we made in our first semester, we practiced telling time to the hour and minute and also converting time between digital and analog. We added spelling to the mix, working to memorize the needed spelling words around Time, such as o’clock, minute, hour, second, etc. We learned the concepts “quarter-after”, “half-past”, and “quarter-to”.  The favorite activity by far was “feeling” the length of a minute.  The class closed their eyes and rested silently, then raised their hands as they felt a minute had passed (some counted and got close to the correct time). Additionally, we hummed, hopped, ran, and spun around for a minute each.  They also had fun with the concept of a “teacher minute” which defies the 60-second rule, and can be as little as 30 seconds or as long as five minutes (you all likely have “parent minutes” at home ;).  We finished up the week adding and subtracting amounts of time using word problems such as “If it is 2:45 PM now and you have to leave for pick-up in 30 minutes, what time will you be leaving?” in varying degrees of complexity.

Upon our return from spring break, our class will begin a new block that will focus on language arts.  Using stories from indigenous people in North America, we will learn more about these cultures through specific creation and other stories and weave in reading and writing lessons.  The class is interested in conventional spelling rules, and we will explore and experience spelling rules through word families (light, bright, sight), direct instruction, and summary writing.

We will resume our Friday afternoon Creekcess time as the weather warms, and there is a chance we will pop over to the creek for unexpected fun on another day given the opportunity.  Please send your child prepared for getting wet in the creek (and the rain) every day! Extra gear can be stored at the school Monday-Friday.  

Daily your child/ren: should have:

  • Rain gear/boots

  • Bug spray

  • Sunscreen (if desired)

  • Extra change of clothing (extra socks too!)

  • Creek shoes (rubber-soled water shoes or old sneakers, etc.--the hard sole is mandatory to keep feet safe in the creek)

  • Wet bag for wet/damp clothing

Regularly ask and/or check bags for wet clothes too!

With gratitude,
