Middle School: May 10 - 14

We started our explorers block last week with a look at some of the early European explorers. We learned about Leif Erikson and his significance as the first European to set foot on continental North America in the 11th century. We discussed Marco Polo's travels to China which was a connection point back to our Chinese history block and Kublai Khan's Yuan dynasty in the 13th century. We learned about how Polo’s book would inspire future explorers for centuries to come. We also learned about Prince Henry the Navigator and how his design of the caravel and his expansionist ideals led to the Portugese mapping and navigating the western coast of Africa which would set the stage for European colonization and the African slave trade. Next week, we will begin our multimedia student presentations about explorers from a wide range of backgrounds.

In math, we created geometric perspective drawings. Perspective drawing ties in our study of Renaissance art with mathematical precision and the middle schooler’s quest to form their own point of view on issues. We learned about single, two-point, and three-point linear projection perspective, and we constructed drawings using each method. I hope the students are sharing their work with you. They have created some lovely pieces.