Specialty Class Highlight September 2022: Handwork

Handwork projects are well underway as new skills are learned and projects are excitedly being worked on during class.

First grade:

It is always exciting to work with our first grade. Lessons and techniques are much like freshly planted seeds, you may not see anything just yet, but soon the saplings will start to sprout!

We started the year warming up our skills to start knitting. We worked on learning to make a slip knot, finger chaining, finger knitting, knotting, winding a yarn ball, and making our knitting needles. All of these skills moved us slowly and purposefully toward knitting. We are letting these new skills rest a bit while we take a break to sew our penny whistle holders for Music class. We will return to learning to knit once we have finished with our current project. At home, you are welcome to give your child a small basket or box with some string or yarn. They can use the string or yarn to practice finger chaining or knitting.

Second grade:

Second grade is flying ahead like space rockets! The students were eager to work on their handwork projects. I was nicely surprised that they had kept their knitting skills from last year. Our new students were also able to pick up the required knitting skills quickly. Some of the students were able to finish their projects from the previous year. We continue working on our basic knitting skills and basic knitting stitches. Soon we will begin new knitting projects and the students will be able to apply both their refined and new skills.

Third and fourth grade:

We started the year with the weaving project. This project is part of our grades curriculum, as we learn about different fiber types, the sources of these fibers, and how to work with the fiber to create a finished project. Weaving is a great warm-up project. Students started by making their own looms. Then we listened to the story about sheep and the students then imagined a landscape based on this story for their weaving project. Their finished weaving projects will be put on exhibit in one of our second-floor hallways. Projects will be sent home before the next break. After our weaving project, the third grade will start learning to crochet. The fourth grade will learn embroidery and cross-stitch. They will be sewing scissor holders, pin cushions, and handwork bags. I am so excited to see their learning journey.

Fifth grade:

Fifth grade handwork is all about working towards knitted socks. The students will learn more new terms and many more skills this year. If you can knit a sock, you can knit anything! This project requires knowledge of all the fundamentals that you need for knitting. We started this year by learning to knit differently. This new method will help us knit a little bit faster. It also will also make it easier to work on more complex projects. Our first project will help us master knit stitch and purl stitch. The students have been very excited to knit once again or to learn how to knit for the very first time!