First Grade: November 7-11, 2022

Hello First Grade Families, 

 This past week we added some more words to our reading vocabulary.  We worked on and added both high-frequency words and sight words to our list.   We also put the finishing touches to our lanterns for our lantern walk while working on songs we could sing to help us really immerse ourselves in the walk.  The students were able to use the lantern and songs to think about the process and its meaning. During the week, each student was given a letter to write on their chalkboard and as a class, we walked around the forest to see if we could find items that had the same letter sounds as the one on each of the boards. The students really enjoyed this activity.

      This week we will continue adding sight words to our list and we will continue working on letter sounds. One challenge that will be presented is to have the students look at words without the vowels and see if they can figure out the word even though it is missing letters. Activities such as this help the students to see how letters and sounds work together, develop flexibility in their thinking and allow them to practice short vowel sounds too.

      The lantern walk was a fun addition to the week.  The class had fun with all the tasks required to get ready for the walk.  Thank you all who were able to join us for the magical walk in the woods as we look to carry our inner lights out into the world.  

This Friday, we will have our class Thanksgiving luncheon. Families are invited to bring a picnic lunch and blanket, and join us on the field for grade’s lunch from 11:00-12:00. We will share in a sweet treat provided by the school. We are ever so grateful to our community and look forward to visiting together before our early release this Friday.  


  • Nov. 14-18: Non-Perishable food drive for Never Alone food pantry

  • Nov. 18: Half Day dismissal (12:15-30) - Thanksgiving Luncheon 

  • Nov. 21-25 Thanksgiving Break (No School) 

  • Dec. 8&9: Winter Spiral

With gratitude, 
