First Grade: October 14 - 18, 2024
Dear First Grade Families,
Thank you for joining us for our magical Kingdom of Halloween event! Also, thank you to those who were able to attend our Community meeting with the Board last night.
The class has been in great spirits this past week and is growing so much in their ability to work as a group. Their willingness to work cheerfully as a unit and put forth their best effort has been evidenced during morning Circle, in particular, where each member must develop an awareness of the others for increased success in the shared activities. For example, the children unite speech and movement while walking in time, counting to 24 forward and backward, stepping deliberately with each number and in sync with one another. The progression from those first timid steps, which sometimes involved a foot trodden on accidentally, to more surefooted steps with increased awareness of others’ bodies has been remarkable! Overall, the children are growing more understanding of how to compromise with one another and are becoming a team.
Our Extra Main Lessons have been varied and a source of both fun and learning. Our weekly meetings with Seventh Grade have provided additional opportunities for social lessons, the building of friendships, and physical exercise during games sessions. The children’s clay modeling abilities have come along as well! Using natural clay, students have harnessed their powers of concentration and self-discipline (and some muscle power in this fine motor activity!) in molding a sphere, an egg, and a bowl that was then transformed into a canoe. In addition, the class visited the farm during Third Grade’s Farming class and were able to help out and learn from their older peers and their Farming teacher, Ki Heidi.
On Friday, we celebrated Sofia's birthday and enjoyed homemade Bulgarian cake from her family. Happy birthday, Sofia!
Next week is the final week of our Qualities of Numbers Block before we return to Consonants.
Announcements and Reminders for First Grade:
Thank you for sending your children with plenty of layers, water, and food to get through their busy days in comfort and stable energy levels! Please do ensure that in addition to layers, your child comes to school with an overcoat as a barrier against cold winds. It is amazing how the wind can blow through those more permeable layers. Please see the Parent Portal link at the bottom of the main message to find and review our outdoor clothing guide.
11/01: No School (Teacher In-service Day)
11/06: Lantern Walk for Kindergarten through Third Grade at 6:00 p.m.
Ki Michelle
First Grade: October 7 - 11, 2024
Dear First Grade Families,
Thank you all for your time and energy last week at Parent Conferences! It was so good to hear your views and share all the wonderful work your children have been doing in First Grade. I hope you all enjoyed the extended weekend.
Your children have been creative and resourceful this week when making themselves comfortable in the face of temperature fluctuations, starting the day with chores before running through the forest, skipping rope, and wearing or shedding layers as needed. One thoughtful student suggested that we might sometimes bask in the sun like lizards, which will be a nice option from time to time at lunch! During Main Lesson, the journey through the qualities of numbers continued with Four through Six. The students’ four seasons drawing was beautiful, and it was fun finding evidence of numbers in their immediate world, such as the five-pointed star inside an apple, the five-pointed leaves of the sweetgum tree, and the five fingers on each hand. Next week, the class will learn about the qualities of numbers Seven through Nine. We will begin counting and arranging objects on the beautiful, soft desk mats the children felted and stitched themselves in their Handwork class with Ki Ieva.
Announcements and Reminders for First Grade:
Speaking of the number Five, it represents one-half of our class and also the number of pairs of boots that have come to school ready for the creek and farm. We look forward to having all 10 pairs of boots at school for these adventures, so please send them to school regardless of the weather.
Your child is welcome to bring in small natural objects, such as acorns for counting and patterns during our Math Block.
Ki Michelle
First Grade: October 1-4, 2024
Dear First Grade Families,
The class had a wonderful week back after the break! With beautiful weather during the early October days, it truly felt as if magic was in the air in the forest. Multiple wildlife sightings, including an owl drifting between trees near our platform, delighted and excited the class. The children seemed refreshed by the break and ready to immerse themselves in our Quality of Numbers Block. Finding examples in the world around them of One, Two, and Three provoked plenty of thought and imagination! The children enjoyed forming Arabic and Roman numerals in their Main Lesson Books as well as carefully drawing pictorial representations of each number. They are all increasingly self-assured in approaching their bookwork.
This week, we are exploring the qualities of numbers Four through Six. The children also learned to count to 10 last week in Mandarin, so it is all very numberrific right now!
Announcements and Reminders for First Grade:
Our Kingdom of Halloween class booth needs your support! Thank you to those who have signed up, and we will look forward to seeing more booth volunteering and general slots filled as soon as possible.
Please ensure your child brings rain boots daily to enable the class to visit the farm and creek.
Ki Michelle
First Grade: September 16 - 20, 2024
Dear First Grade Families,
Welcome back to school after what was hopefully just the break that your family needed. The week before the break culminated in our much anticipated Day of Courage. First Grade enjoyed all the pageantry of the Middle School Knighting Ceremony, which was presided over by Queen Lesley in full regalia. Our class was really swept into the romance of it all! Each Grade class brought a recitation to share, and First Grade acquitted themselves admirably in sharing Brave and True. One student expressed that reciting a movement verse in front of her older peers made her smile from the beginning to the end of our verse. This experience built each class member's confidence and filled each heart with warmth to carry them through the colder months.
We wrapped up our Consonants Block and enjoyed the gratification of seeing completely filled pages of the Main Lesson Book before the break. The class is looking forward to delving further into the consonants later this year. In the meantime, they are now starting their first Math Block! This promises to be a fun learning experience filled with movement, images, and direct ties to the world around them.
Announcements and Reminders for First Grade:
Please send in two full water bottles daily. The children get very warm with all the speech and movement work that they do in addition to recess.
Layers, layers, layers! They will continue to keep your child comfortable regardless of the weather/temperature range of the day.
10/10-10/1:1 Fall Conferences (adults only). Please sign up here. If you need a different time, please let me know.
Ki Michelle
First Grade: September 9 - 13, 2024
Dear First Grade Families,
The class is thriving and growing in confidence daily! Our Consonants Block, which wraps up at the end of this week, has brought the letters M, B, P, D, T, L, and N (followed by F later this week) to life. Why not follow the alphabet in order? When giving eurythmy training early in the Waldorf movement, Rudolf Steiner followed what has come to be known as “the evolutionary sequence” of consonant sounds. These consonants reflect the development of the human being’s speech faculty and form the rough basis for our sequence of letter introduction in First Grade. Although each child is operating on their own individual level in terms of phonemic awareness, it has been clear that the lesson content has inspired every child in unique ways and enhanced their understanding of the relevant letters. The class expresses interest and joy as they progress through the consonants! In addition to forming capital letters, the class had the opportunity to make mini picture-word books (such as “The M Book”) that they can proudly read aloud.
In Handwork, students completed their colorful wet felting projects. This very soapy undertaking engaged each child, especially as it yielded a visible result of the transformative work wrought by their own hands. Our Day of Courage songs and verse have been practiced during both Circle and Music. The class is looking forward to sharing the fruits of their labor with the other grades’ classes on the day of the festival. After the break, we will commence our first Mathematic Block: The Quality of Numbers.
Announcements and Reminders for First Grade:
On Friday, please remind your child to wear fiery colors (red, orange, gold, yellow) for our Day of Courage festival. On this half-day, we will enjoy activities internally as a school and finish by 12:15. Have a restful Fall Break, and we look forward to welcoming children back on Tuesday, October 1st.
Please remember to send in two full water bottles daily, even as the weather turns cooler. The children are doing a great job with hydration!
If your child’s lunch or snack requires a fork or spoon, please double-check that one is packed.
Fall Conferences are on October 10th and 11th and will be held at school. Please sign up here.
Ki Michelle
First Grade: September 2 - September 6, 2024
Dear First Grade Families,
Thank you for joining together for Curriculum Night! It was a wonderful opportunity to build community and learn more about what First Grade will learn this year.
Our class is thoroughly enjoying the first Language Arts Block of the year, studying consonants during Main Lesson and discovering examples of words beginning with the letters under study throughout the day, such as “P.” It is especially fun to think of names (Paloma!), snacks we have brought to school (popcorn!), and characters in our stories (proud princess!) to enliven our work. Try it with your child in the car, at meals, etc! It is wonderful to witness the children building their phonemic awareness.
The students’ ability to listen carefully to the daily story is evident both during the telling of the story and the next day during recall as well as in their imaginative renderings of selected scenes with crayon and paper. In addition, each student is improving their pencil grip and hand-eye coordination in these lessons. They are making huge strides! Next week, our journey into the alphabet will carry us through more consonants and stories that capture the children’s imagination.
Announcements and Reminders for First Grade:
To ensure your child is ready for any weather, please send them dressed in layers each day, especially as the mornings are turning chilly. Rain boots and gear may go home ready for the next day or stay at school if families prefer. We will continue to hold lessons in our outdoor classroom during the change in season!
Ki Michelle
First Grade: August 26 - 30, 2024
Dear First Grade Families,
What fun we are having in our outdoor classroom now that we have begun having our Main Lesson in the forest each morning! The class is nicely formed at this stage and deserves to be very proud of their progress as First Graders. They continue to impress teachers and the older children with their orderliness and manners around school while still remaining true to their playful six- and seven-year-old selves! They are becoming experts at their class chores, which have included cleaning tasks, clearing the paths of tree litter, sweeping, and even shelf building.
We began our Consonants Block with the letters “M” and “B”. The children enjoyed the fairy tales “Simeli Mountain” and “Snow White and Rose Red,” formed their letters carefully in the Main Lesson Books, and enjoyed some new Circle activities, including a partner clapping game and verses featuring the consonants being studied. During Music, the students continued to practice their songs and, to their great excitement, received their eagerly awaited flutes! Handwork provided the class with the opportunity to wet felt richly colored mats that we will use for math work at our desks. They come out of their Mandarin and Spanish classes all smiles! Finally, the class enjoyed a short visit to the farm, where the hens proved very popular. A couple of stray feathers were found to join our class feather collection.
Announcements and Reminders for First Grade:
Thank you so much for sending plants! They have beautified our indoor space and provided the class with something living to care for!
Bug spray will be needed more than ever now that we are spending even more hours in our outdoor classroom. Please ensure that your child has a good supply packed daily. Thank you for all that you do.
Please join us for Curriculum Night tomorrow from 6:00-7:00 p.m.
First Grade: August 19 - 23, 2024
Dear First Grade Families,
Our class has continued forging bonds with each other as well as developing healthy routines and skills at school. Circle time has been a source of merriment and challenge to First Grade! In addition to our daily morning verse and song, the class has been engaging in rhythmic beanbag passing and singing and dancing to “Shoo Fly, Don’t Bother Me.” Form Drawing has captured the children’s imaginations with spiral forms that they have walked with their bodies and delighted in drawing with their crayons, round and round all the way to the center and outwards again!
The week also included many opportunities for open-ended play in the forest, especially with the class swings and loose parts. On Tuesday, First Grade was once more joined by Seventh Grade at the end of the day, this time in search of natural objects for our nature table.
We celebrated Jay’s seventh birthday. Happy birthday, Jay!
This week, the class begins their first Language Arts block, which focuses on Consonants. Fairy tales will provide imagery as a springboard for learning to form capital letters, and they will explore phonics through verses and tongue twisters. Farm visits will also start. Donkeys, goats, and chickens, here we come!
Announcements and Reminders for First Grade:
Please send rainboots and sunhats with your child to school, as they are required for farm visits.
The children are using their bug spray daily, and some bottles are running low, so please check to see if your child needs a new one.
First Grade: August 12 - 16, 2024
Dear First Grade Families,
The past week has seen First Grade settling into their routine and beginning their specialty classes. They have been eager to find out what each day will hold and really excited to try new subjects! Each morning since receiving their Main Lesson Books and beautiful new crayon rolls (gifts from the trees and the bees!), the children have been creating Form Drawings inspired by a series of stories about a boy with a magic pencil. When recalling each story the day after hearing it, they have offered so many details that they noticed and retained!
A highlight of the week for the class was our Extra Main Lesson with our Seventh Grade Buddies. The warmth between the two classes was evident as they worked together to prepare our outdoor classroom for lessons. The whole group is excited about the possibilities of our future lessons together!
We celebrated Emmanuel's seventh birthday on Friday. Happy birthday, Emmanuel!
Announcements and Reminders for First Grade:
Please send rainboots and sunhats/baseball caps with your child to school, as they are required for farm visits, which we plan to start soon.
First Grade: May 13 - 17, 2024
Happy Summer, First Grade Families,
Can you believe this is the last time we will be in the First Grade class? In our next Class Messenger, the children will be in their Second Grade year along with familiar friends in the Third Grade class! We have so much learning and fun to look forward to together!
Last week, we celebrated the end of the school year with a week's worth of fun activities. On Monday, the children joined the Golden Knights to say hello to the Rising First graders. On Tuesday, we watched the Sixth Grade class perform Robin Hood. Wednesday, the classes played at Field Day, and everyone spent the day laughing and running in the sun. Thursday, the children prepared the classroom for the new school year, and Friday, they played together from morning until dismissal, soaking up the fun and beauty of our campus before our summer break.
We welcomed the Second Grade class to join us in several activities, such as covering the entire platform in shaving cream, sharing our favorite memories from First and Second Grade around the firepit, and singing songs together. Spending time together has allowed the students in both classes a gentle and meaningful introduction to each other as classmates. We look forward to combining two classes in the upcoming year.
We would like to wish you the happiest of summer breaks, and cannot wait to see you again in August.
Announcements and Reminders:
Students’ End-of-Year Reports will be posted by mid-June. You will receive an email in a few weeks with information on how to access these reports.
Upcoming Events for 2024 - 2025:
8/1-8/2 Teacher In-Service (No School)
8/3 Community Work Day - 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
8/5-8/6 Kindergarten & Grades Meet & Greet
8/7 First Day of School for Grades - HALF DAY
8/7 First Day of School Assembly/Rose Ceremony (all welcome) - 9:30 am
8/8 First Day of School for Kindergarten
8/9 Joyful Beginnings Meet & Greet - 10am
8/12 First Day of School for Joyful Beginnings
Warm regards,
First Grade: May 6 - 10, 2024
Hello, First Grade Families,
Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to go above and beyond to treat the teachers and staff last week. The food was delicious, the plants were beautiful, and each day left us all feeling appreciated!
Last week, the First and Second grade classes had the opportunity to share the main lesson together for the first time. The First graders were excited for their older peers to join them, and they enjoyed working beside their new classmates. The classes listened to the stories Sylvester and the Magic Pebble and Strega Nona and did a writing lesson as an accompaniment. The older students wrote their sentences independently, and the First graders spent time working through their words phonetically. The two classes worked well together, and by the end of our first lesson, we had seamlessly become one group. This combined class has an exciting upcoming year ahead of them.
This week brings our school year to a close. The children will help clean their classroom and platform, prepare materials for the rising First graders, and have the opportunity to reflect on all they have learned. We will also spend several days celebrating and having fun. Today, we celebrated Alma’s seventh birthday. Tomorrow will be filled with games as we hold Field Day, and on Friday, we will celebrate Hugo’s eighth birthday and the end of the school year. The children will also have campfires, sing songs, visit the creek, and spend the week enjoying the company of their friends before transitioning into summer.
Announcements and Reminders:
Please send your child ready for full creekcess on Fridays with a change of clothes, hard-bottomed, closed-toed shoes, and a towel.
Please send two full water bottles to school daily; students feel the warmer temperatures and drink a lot of water!
Upcoming Events:
5/15 Field Day / Half Day for Kindergarten
5/17 Last Day of School - Full Day
Warm regards,
First Grade: April 29 - May 3, 2024
Hello, First Grade Families,
Our final weeks of school have arrived, and it is amazing to see how much the First Grade class has grown. Last week, the children spent time observing both their physical and mental growth as we reviewed our year of learning and fun together.
On Wednesday morning, each child spent time checking their measurements on our platform, and many children were amazed to see they had grown several inches since the first week of school. The children then stood next to the markings made by the Second Grade class last year and checked who was the same height as them when they finished First Grade. Some children wondered if the rising First graders would be as tall next year.
On Thursday, the children reviewed their Main Lesson books from the beginning of the year. They enjoyed looking back at their drawings, remembering the first letters they wrote, and discussing the stories that accompanied each letter. Several children remarked on how they are now beginning to write sentences.
Next week, the children will continue their yearly review by looking back at their main Math Lesson books. They will play some favorite number games from earlier in the year, and they will be introduced to a few new games as well.
Announcements and Reminders:
Please send your child ready for full creekcess on Fridays with a change of clothes, hard-bottomed, closed-toed shoes, and a towel.
Please send two full water bottles to school daily; students feel the warmer temperatures and drink a lot of water!
Upcoming Events:
5/11 Community Work Day 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
5/14 Sixth Grade Class Play 5:30 p.m.
5/15 Field Day / Half Day for Kindergarten
5/17 Last Day of School - Full Day
Warm regards,
First Grade: April 22 - 26, 2024
Hello, First Grade Families,
Thank you to everyone who attended our class play tonight. The children worked hard memorizing their lines, practicing their acting skills, and creating and using props. They are all so proud of what they were able to accomplish, and they look forward to many more plays in the years to come.
Last week, the children felt comfortable enough in their lines to take time to create and practice using props. As we read through the play, the children discussed what each character would need to help tell our story. They agreed unanimously that it was important that our knight,Sir Division, would have a sword he could use to cut the cake and that King Crosspatch should have a tall blue crown. The children also created drums and used their recorders to portray the feast at the end of the play. On Thursday, the children did their first run through the play with props, and they were excited to see how it brought their characters and the story to life.
This week, we will begin a yearly review as the First Grade year slowly comes to an end. Each day, we will review our Main Lesson books, beginning with our form drawings and working our way through our letters, numbers, and four processes. In the upcoming weeks, first grade will also complete several projects, including our recycling project, creating nature books, and pressing flowers. We will also take advantage of the warmer weather by spending many afternoons visiting the creek. Please send your child ready for full creekcess on Fridays with a change of clothes, hard-bottomed, closed-toed shoes, and a towel.
Announcements and Reminders:
Please send your child ready for full creekcess on Fridays with a change of clothes, hard-bottomed, closed-toed shoes, and a towel.
If your child is feeling under the weather, please keep them home to help keep our community healthy.
Please send two full water bottles to school daily; students feel the warmer temperatures and drink a lot of water!
Upcoming Events:
4/30 First Grade Class Play 5:30 p.m.
5/01 Second Grade Class Play 5:30 p.m.
5/11 Community Work Day 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
5/14 Sixth Grade Class Play 5:30 p.m.
5/15 Field Day / Half Day for Kindergarten
5/17 Last Day of School - Full Day
Warm regards,
First Grade: April 15 - 19, 2024
Hello, First Grade Families,
Last week, we practiced our play by taking on the persona of each character. We stood grumpy like King Crosspatch, practiced our cartwheels like Multiplication, and did our best belly laugh like Addition. The children observed how their peers interpreted each character and discussed how they would choose to portray their own character in our play.
As the play block requires more recitation than our other language blocks, our morning circle has taken a pause and has been temporarily replaced with a nature walk. Each morning, the children quietly walk through our campus and find a token from nature to bring back to the classroom. They then spend some quiet time sketching and tracing their object. On these walks, the children observed owls, cardinals, turtles, and lots of chipmunks making their way through the forest. The children have enjoyed spending extra time visiting the farm on some of our walks as well.
Class plays have many benefits for our Grades students. The class play allows the teacher to help guide their students in developing a variety of skills and capacities. It also helps to strengthen the sense of interdependence in the class as a whole, and it brings the opportunity to be creative through drama. Last week, we were invited to be a practice audience for the Second Grade as they rehearsed their play The Magpie’s Nest. This week, we will attend the Third Grade’s dress rehearsal of Charlotte’s Web. The first graders walked by their stage several times on their way to play at the creek. Each day, they wondered about the new props appearing on the stage. Watching the older grades perform fills our class with excitement as they prepare for our play on April 30. Our play will be held at 5:30, and we ask that for our class’s first-ever class play, only the parents of our students attend.
We are looking forward to seeing you at The Garden School annual fundraiser on Friday. The mosaic mirror made by the children is so precious! We can’t wait for you to see it!
Announcements and Reminders:
Dress for the weather with layers and send in full rain gear daily (raincoat, rain pants, and boots).
If your child is feeling under the weather, please keep them home to help keep our community healthy.
Upcoming Events:
4/23 Third Grade class play
4/23-4/25 Fifth Grade Pentathlon
4/26 Annual Auction Fundraiser and Half-day Dismissal
4/27 Community Work Day 9 a.m - 12 p.m.
4/30 First Grade class play 5:30 p.m.
5/01 Second Grade class play 5:30 p.m.
Warm regards,
First Grade: April 8 - 12, 2024
Hello, First Grade Families,
Last week, we continued rehearsing for our class play, The King’s Advisors. Each morning, the children draw a different character to perform. They have enjoyed jumping into the different personas ranging from the moody King to the cartwheeling Multiplication. The students are also creating a book to accompany the play. Their reading skills and writing skills are developing as they begin writing sentences in their books.
For our auction project, the children helped by cleaning the grout off the mosaic pieces. They scrubbed each tile clear and picked away at the larger pieces, making sure that each tile was smooth and ready for assembly onto our mirror. The mirror will be fully assembled this week, so look forward to pictures of the finished project.
This week, we will continue rehearsing our play as we dive deeper into the personalities of each character. We will spend time as a whole group acting out each character and creating illustrations and paintings to complement their personalities. Please continue reading the play with your child at home to help them gain confidence for their performance on May first. This week, we will also work on our recycling project now that we have acquired a blender, which will allow us to turn our paper into pulp.
Announcements and Reminders
Please continue to dress your children in layers every day. It is ok to provide layers in their backpack if they feel too warm in the morning. The forest is cooler, especially when it is damp or cloudy. An expected temperature in the 60s and even lower 70s feels significantly different in different conditions, and we cannot easily predict what layers will feel most comfortable. As a rule, students should always have lighter and thicker pants, short and long-sleeved shirts, and a sweatshirt or light jacket. Additionally, students must have full rain gear and rain boots every day. The outdoor classroom remains wet for several days after rain.
Please ensure your children eat a filling breakfast daily that will sustain them until snack time at 10:30 a.m.
Insects are making their return! Please begin sending insect repellant in backpacks.
Upcoming Events:
4/23 Third Grade class play
4/23-4/25 Fifth Grade Pentathlon
4/26 Annual Auction Fundraiser and Half-day
4/27 Community Work Day 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
4/30 First Grade class play
5/01 Second Grade class play
Warm regards,
First Grade: March 25 - 27, 2024
Hello, First Grade Families,
We hope you enjoyed your break and were able to enjoy the solar eclipse with your families. The school year certainly is speeding by, and soon, our class will grow into second graders. Luckily, we still have six weeks of fairytales to guide us through the end of the school year.
Before the break, we had an eventful week filled with fun activities. On Wednesday, the Fourth and Fifth Grade class invited us to be an audience during the dress rehearsal of their class play. The children loved watching the older students perform and wanted to act out their own play the entire afternoon following the performance. On Thursday, the third graders invited us to view the shelters they built using materials found at the school. Interacting with the older students always fills the first graders with excitement for the many things they will get to participate in and learn in the coming years.
We also celebrated Grandfriends Day before the break, and the children loved having their friends and family members join them in song and celebration. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend.
Announcements and Reminders:
Dress for the weather with layers and send in full rain gear daily (raincoat, rain pants, and boots).
If your child is feeling under the weather, please keep them home to help keep our community healthy.
Upcoming Events:
4/12 Student picture make-up day
4/23 Third Grade Class Play
4/23-4/25 5th Grade Pentathlon
4/26 Annual Auction Fundraiser - Half Day
4/27 Community Work Day 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
4/30 First Grade Play
Warm regards,
First Grade: March 18 - 22, 2024
Hello, First Grade Families,
The First Grade class concluded our math story as Percival Plus, Moria Minus, Tamara Times, and Duke Divide returned the conjuring stone and restored numerical order to the land of Numerica. Over the course of this block, the children used all four processes to solve word problems, counted by 2s, practiced our odd and even numbers, and practiced counting to 100 by ones and tens.
Last week also marked the beginning of the Spring season, and we spent several days visiting the farm, looking for salamanders, and reading beginner books from our new library, which will remain on our platform for use in our free time.
The class is now readying to begin our Play Block. In this time, we will practice our memorization skills, write an accompanying reader, and continue practicing our blossoming reading skills. Our play is The King’s Advisors, and it tells the story of the antics the characters Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division cause when a king seeks happiness. The play in First Grade will be held on March 30th. Our first class play will be held in the large Sky room just outside our class. It is an immediate family only event.
This week, we will also hold Grandfriends Day on March 29th before early dismissal. Please email with a list of the guests who are attending, who they are in relation to your student, and the person who will pick up your child. We look forward to seeing you all there!
Announcements and Reminders:
Dress for the weather with layers and send in full rain gear daily (raincoat, rain pants, and boots)
If your child is feeling under the weather, please keep them home to help keep our community healthy.
Upcoming Events:
3/27-3/28: School Photos
3/29: Grandfriends Day (Half Day All School Dismissal)
4/1-4/5 Spring Break (No School)
4/8: No School: Solar Eclipse
4/23-4/25 5th Grade Pentathlon
4/26 Annual Auction Fundraiser - Half Day
4/30 First Grade Play
Warm regards,
First Grade: March 11 - 15, 2024
Hello, First Grade Families,
Last week, we were visited by a mischievous leprechaun who played tricks on our class! He turned our chairs upside down, left messy footprints on the platform, and left clues throughout the week to help us find him. On Thursday, we found notes hidden across the school that led us to his home, and each student got to bring home one piece of treasure.
We also continued our math adventure in the Mixed-Up Marsh. We practiced our multiplication skills as we helped guide Tamara Times to the other side of the path by solving a series of multiplication problems. We also helped Duke Divide determine which numbers were odd and which were even by seeing which numbers could be split into two equal groups.
Next week, we will conclude our math adventure as we use all four processes to solve our trickiest problems yet! We will also continue practicing by twos, our odds and evens, and continue counting to 120.
Announcements and Reminders:
Dress for the weather with layers and send in full rain gear daily (raincoat, rain pants, and boots).
If your child is feeling under the weather, please keep them home to help keep our community healthy.
Upcoming Events:
3/27-3/28: School Photos
3/29: Grandfriends Day (12:30 All School Dismissal)
4/1-4/5 Spring Break (No School)
4/23-4/25 5th Grade Pentathlon
4/26 Annual Auction Fundraiser - Half Day
Warm regards,
First Grade: March 4 - 8, 2024
Hello, First Grade Families,
Last week, we continued our math adventure story as Percival Plus, Moria Minus, Tamara Times, and Duke Divide traveled through an enchanted forest and discovered an abandoned castle. The children had to solve the riddle of an odd and even path leading to the castle. They discovered the odd-numbered stones would fall if stepped on, but even-numbered stones led to the castle. They used a clapping game we learned in the morning circle to remember which numbers were odd and which were even. We also began writing to 100 on hundreds charts the children created in their main lesson books in order to solve the mystery of the hallway with 100 doors.
With the warmer weather, we saw all kinds of animals emerging from their winter rest. The children found multiple salamanders, turtles, and handfuls of bugs. Some children even thought they saw a snake, but it turned out to just be a very large worm. They were especially excited on Thursday to have a Venus fly trap visit our room. Some students sat with the plant their entire playtime, waiting to see it to catch a snack. The excitement they shared when it finally did eat a bug could likely be heard across the campus.
This week, the class will continue their math adventure as we travel through the abandoned castle and into a swamp. Our focus will be on multiplication and division, but we will continue to practice addition and subtraction as well.
Announcements and Reminders:
Dress for the weather with layers and send in full rain gear daily (raincoat, rain pants, and boots)
If your child is feeling under the weather, please keep them home to help keep our community healthy.
Upcoming Events:
3/15: Teacher In-Service (No School)
3/27-29: School Photos
3/29: Grandfriends Day (12:30 All School Dismissal)
4/1-4/5 Spring Break (No School)
4/23-4/25 5th Grade Pentathlon
4/26 Annual Auction Fundraiser - Half Day
Warm regards,