Kindergarten Beavers: November 14-18, 2022

Greetings Dear Families,

Thank you for sharing a lovely meal together at our Thanksgiving Luncheon. We hope you enjoyed your time in the forest with all our families and in the special place your child spends much of their time! 

Last week, we spent more time in our inside classroom space. Although the students are accustomed to playing in our bigger forest area, they played so well together inside in our smaller space. The classroom was humming with busy bodies, as they worked together building forts with silks and large pillows. It was impressive to see how well they shared and helped each other build their forts- sharing a pillow if another student doesn’t have enough, helping each other to clip up the silks. Half of our room became a fort neighborhood. The children have also been watching the teacher spin wool during class and wanted to help. They’re amazed to see the wool roving transform from fluffy tufts of wool to neat and thin yarn. Students took turns spinning the drop spindle while the teacher held the wool roving. Later we will use the yarn we spin for finger knitting and chaining projects. 

We shared a story about four trees who lived side by side- the oak, the maple, the apple, and the cedar. Autumn had arrived, gifting each of the trees with a shiny new coat- yellow, orange, red. All but the lovely cedar received a new coat, who wore a green coat all year round. But she didn’t mind! She loved her green coat, her shiny needles kept her warm and she was content. The other trees were so proud of their new coats, but as the strong winds swept through the forest, it would eventually blow away all their leaves so only their branches were left. Meanwhile, a bird looking for shelter to stay warm as winter approached flew from tree to tree. None of the trees were able to keep her warm, but at last she found the cedar tree where she built her nest and stayed warm and cozy all winter long. 

Thank you for all that you do and for sharing your precious children with us! 🌹

Thank you for layering up your child and dressing them appropriately for the colder weather, this makes a huge difference in the overall health and happiness of our class. 

Have a lovely Thanksgiving holiday! 

Reminders & Announcements: 


  • Monday, Nov. 21 - Friday, Nov. 25:  Thanksgiving Break (No School) 

  • Thursday and Friday, Dec. 8&9:  Winter Spiral

  • Thursday, Dec. 15th:  Last day of Fall semester (Half day, early dismissal)

  • Friday, Dec. 16th - Wednesday, Jan. 4:  Winter Break

  • Thursday, Jan. 5th:  Spring semester begins

Peace & Blessings, 

Ki Fatima