Kindergarten Turtles: November 14-18, 2022

Greetings Turtle Families,

Thank you for joining us for the Thanksgiving Luncheon last week.  We hope that you enjoyed the time with each other and your children.  It was so nice to gather and enjoy a meal together.  We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful community! 

The cold weather is here! Though it is often under-appreciated, the sense of warmth is an extremely important sense young children are developing. This sense is not yet fully developed until around third grade. In addition to feeling physically warm and comfortable, having warmth also helps develop the overall sense of wellbeing that allows children to feel safe and secure and able to learn both academic and social-emotional skills. One reliable way to know if a child is physically warm enough is to feel their hands. Your children may tell you that we ask to feel their hands if they want to take their coat/hat/gloves off.  If their hands are cold to the touch, they need to keep their layers on and may need to add another layer.  Thank you for sending your children in layers and with rain gear.  It makes such a difference!

We spent more time in our indoor classroom than usual and the children enjoyed the change of scenery.  They played happily with each other in our room.  Indoor play is a very different experience for them from our outdoor forest play and all of the children enjoyed the time we spent inside.   While we were out in the forest there was plenty of running, jumping, climbing and other physical play that helped the children stay warm.

It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving week is here!  May you all have a week filled with rest, relaxation and fun adventures among loved ones.  Ki Kristine and I are so grateful for each and every Turtle.  Thank you for entrusting your children to our care!

Announcements and Reminders:


  • Monday, Nov. 21 - Friday, Nov. 25:  Thanksgiving Break (No School) 

  • Thursday and Friday, Dec. 8&9:  Winter Spiral

  • Thursday, Dec. 15th:  Last day of Fall semester (Half day, early dismissal)

  • Friday, Dec. 16th - Wednesday, Jan. 4:  Winter Break

  • Thursday, Jan. 5th:  Spring semester begins

Grace and Peace,

Ki Kim