Fourth Grade: April 11 - April 15

Dear Fourth Grade Families,

It was a fun and busy week in class as we returned from Spring Break. We continued working in our Key to Fractions workbook, focusing on common factors and simplifying fractions. We also began working on our upcoming play, Thor’s Hammer, based on the Norse Myths. This is a funny story and the students seem to enjoy the comical aspects. To begin, characters' parts are being read based on a random drawing of scripts. This gives students a chance to be many characters, regardless of preference (or gender), and for the class to hear the play and begin to picture the scenes. It gives us lots of opportunities to have fun as we prepare.  

In Waldorf plays, the focus is on the student, rather than the sets and costumes. That being said, there will be opportunities for parents to help as we plan our simple sets and costumes. The date is still TBA (I’m sorry!!) as we work with the other grade classes and the church calendar. We should have the date and time by the end of next week so you can tell family and friends too.

Our Chattahoochee Nature Center field trip was both informative and enjoyable! Thank you to our chaperoning parents! We will be heading to the Etowah Indian Mounds on Wednesday, May 11th. Permission slips will be sent as well as a request for chaperones closer to the date.


  • Our Auction is this FRIDAY, April 22! Please plan on attending as participation in our community is paramount! There will be many lovely items to bid on too!  As a reminder: it is an adults only event.

  • Saturday, April 23, is a Community workday.

  • Friday, May 6, is a half-day.

With gratitude,
