Fifth Grade: August 10 - 13

Dear Fifth Grade Families,

Welcome Back!  What a wonderful start to the school year we have had.  It’s been so good being together on campus once again.

The fifth-grade class did a wonderful job at our first school assembly as they reverently helped our rising first-grade students cross the bridge and enter officially into first grade during our Rose Ceremony.  Pentathlon training began with some short runs each morning! After handing out class materials to start the year, the students got right to work as they began their study of the state of Georgia with Ki Kathee, our guest Main Lesson teacher.  The class also began their Spanish studies afresh and will continue learning to speak, read and write in both their foreign language classes.  In Wood Working, they began to clear an area for their new woodworking classroom.  All in all, a week filled with activity, learning, and fun!

This week, our first full week of school, will give us the opportunity for more learning adventures.  Each morning we will train for the pentathlon with a morning run.  These runs will lengthen as the students build up stamina.  We will continue our Georgia geography lessons and then move into our first block of Geometry.  Our weekly schedule is below (ML=Main Lesson, EE=Environmental Education).  Please make sure your child comes to school on-time and prepared each day!  Every day there are many varied activities, and being ready regardless of the weather, having 2 full water bottles, and wearing proper footwear and clothing is essential!  


  • Wednesday, September 7, is Parent night for fifth grade!

  • Saturday, September 17, our class hosts Community Workday.  

Please plan to attend both events!

With gratitude,
