Greetings Turtle Families!
The weather was wonderful this week with cool, fall-like mornings and warm, comfortable afternoons. We visited the creek Wednesday and Thursday. The students found several closed clam shells and had fun thinking about the clam living inside and imagining if there may be a pearl inside too. Some students found a large piece of driftwood and tested to see if it would float and even tried to see if it could be used as a surfboard. There were also many sandcastles, volcanoes and little lakes built on the shore. On Thursday, we saw a large crayfish and it captured everyone’s attention. We are enjoying the creek days while they last!
On our platform, the children were busy making yarn pom poms. The students wrap the yarn around their fingers or around a cardboard loom. A teacher ties a knot to hold the yarn together and then the student gets to work cutting all of the loops. Many of the children like to cut yarn, and this is a productive way to practice this fine motor skill. The children were delighted with their creations and a few students used the same method to make many other creations and creatures. Pom-poms became part of our forest play too. Students played catch and then created a game, trying to throw the pom poms through a tire leaned against a tree. We also had many “dragons” and “dragon babies” in the forest this week. This involved lots of running, chasing and flying. Our story this week is about a lonely dragon, and the students immediately incorporate parts of the story into their play. We will have another dragon story this week.
On Friday, we celebrated Maeve’s 5th birthday. Her parents visited our class and shared fun memories from each year of Maeve’s life. Classmates, Teachers and Maeve’s parents shared a wish for the coming year. Happy Birthday Maeve!
Friday, September 23rd–Half-day, 12:15-12:30 dismissal
September 26 - 30th–Fall Break (no school)
October 3rd–Teacher Workday (NO SCHOOL)
Conferences are coming up on October 12th, 13th, and 14th. You can sign up for a time here. Conferences will be in person at the school, however if you need to meet virtually instead please let me know and we will arrange for that. If you do not see a time that works for you, please let me know and we will schedule a different time. Conferences are planned for 20 minutes. If you feel you may need longer for your child's conference, please let me know before scheduling so we can work out a time that respects your time and that of other families. We ask that children do not attend conferences, allowing us to communicate in confidence.
October 12-14th–Half day, 12:30 dismissal, Parent-Teacher Conferences
Thank you for sharing your children with us and for being a part of our community!
Grace and Peace,
Ki Kim