Greetings Dear Beaver families,
Welcome back for the spring semester! We enjoyed getting back into our daily rhythm and are excited for a full week together this week. We hope you and your families had a restful break. It was so good to see the children and hear about what they did over the break.
We are excited for our older students, students who are 6 years old before June 1st, to begin Golden Knights on January 12th. All Golden Knights’ parents received an email explaining the program. If you have additional questions, please email Ki Fatima.
A reminder of our weekly rhythm, as we head into the new semester:
Monday: Farm, and herbal tea with snack
Tuesday: Painting, and Oatmeal for snack. Golden Knights 9:15-10:15
Wednesday: Vegetable chopping, and herbal tea with snack
Thursday: Farm, and herbal tea with snack. Golden Knights 9:15-10:15
Friday: Puppet show, and soup for snack. Golden Knights 9:15-10:15
It is the winter season! As our classroom is in a shaded part of the school property, it is cooler and, after a good rain, it is wetter than it is by the parking lot or at home. Please send your child with the following items every day, regardless of the forecast:
*winter coat
*hat and gloves
*rain suit or rain pants and water resistant coat
*insulated, waterproof boots
*change of clothing in wet bag (pants, shirt, sweater, socks, underwear)
*warm blanket (for full day students only)
With gratitude,
Ki Fatima and Ki Annabelle