Specialty Class Highlight October 2023: Spanish

Our year in Spanish is going very well!  The students are enjoying our songs and games, and the older students are reading and writing. We have fun in Spanish as we immerse ourselves in the language.

First through Third Grade students continue to learn Spanish vocabulary through songs. As we progress each year, a class will learn a song one year and then come back to it and add more verses the next year.  In this manner, all the students, new and old, benefit from previous lessons, and review is built in for all. We practice the vocabulary by playing games, then use our new words to respond to simple questions. These classes learn greetings, names, school, family, house, fall, and numbers 1-100 with sign language.

 In Fourth and Fifth Grades, we spend much of our time reading and writing in Spanish. We started by learning the alphabet. We practice letter sounds and learn how to spell a variety of words. We work on reading and taking dictation. This class is currently writing out the songs we learned in First through Third Grade. While doing this, the students are learning to identify nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and articles.  They also are counting to 1000 and telling time in Spanish.

 The Sixth Grade started the year reviewing the material learned in Fifth Grade, building review skills, and helping new students acclimate to our class. Now we’re practicing the conjugation of regular and irregular verbs in the present tense. Students learn short sentences that allow them to write about themselves and others. Also, we are covering vocabulary about school and verbs associated with this topic.  The students spend much of class reading and writing lessons in Spanish.

  I’m excited to continue teaching your children!


Ki Maria