Sixth Grade: October 23 - 27, 2023

Dear Sixth Grade Families,

Last week, we wrapped up our Business Math block. On Monday, the students debriefed about the Bake Sale and together made suggestions on what went well and where the booth could be improved in future years. The most anticipated part of the block, however, was when Ki Sara visited the class to help reconcile the cash box and ticket sales from the Bake Sale! It was exciting to see how much money the Bake Sale produced! Accounting for expenses (cost of materials, advertising, booth fees, and supplies for the table), the Sixth Grade raised $712 for their Eighth Grade trip. Way to go! 

The students reinforced their skills working with money, decimals, and fractions this week with various practical skills, such as calculating sales tax and how to leave a tip in a restaurant. To help solidify this skill, include your child in calculating the tip the next time you eat out. Finally, interest, in regard to borrowing and lending money, was introduced. The students decided to put their earnings in a High Yield Savings Account so that the Bake Sale money could earn interest over the next few years. 

To round out the block, the Sixth Grade played a game to simulate the formation of an economy. Their group, each with a unique trade, is ship-wrecked on an island. In order to survive, the class must use the natural resources available on the island, as well as their own skills to form a new economy. 

For the class’s next block, Astronomy, Ki Lesley will continue to teach in the Sixth Grade while Ki Melissa continues working on much needed Administrative work. This is a wonderful opportunity for our class to experience working for a longer period with a new teacher, helping them to be more flexible and resilient when working to meet academic expectations with other teachers. Ki Lesley is also having a blast learning and interacting with our amazing group of students. Please reach out to either Ki Melissa or Ki Lesley (or both of us!) with any questions.

Announcements and Reminders:

  • The autumn weather is here. Layering clothing is essential for students to be comfortable throughout the day.

  • Please label clothing!

  • Send two full water bottles daily. 

Upcoming Events:

  • 11/1: NO SCHOOL: Teacher in-service

  • 11/1: Joyful Beginnings and Kindergarten Parent Night: 6 pm - 7 pm

  • 11/7: Kindergarten Lantern Walk: 6 pm

  • 11/7: Grades 1 - 3 Lantern Walk: 6:30 pm *Please note new date for grades

  • 11/17: Thanksgiving Luncheon 11 am: Half Day

With gratitude,

Ki Melissa and Ki Lesley